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Public Health SOS – Episode 99: Camilla Rees

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Camilla Rees

Over 100 million people in the U.S. are somewhat sensitive to EMFs while 10-25 million people are severely impacted! Long term effects link wireless radiation to a myriad of illnesses, symptoms ranging from neurological to cardiovascular to ear and eye issues.  Join Ann Louise, the author of the blockbuster EMF book “Zapped,” and Camilla Rees, a brilliant researcher, author, and public health advocate. They both dive headfirst into the biological and health risks of electromagnetic fields and most importantly, how to safeguard against them.  As the author of “The Wireless Elephant in the Room,” Camilla unmasks the mystery of 5g in layman’s terms.  She explains ‘what the G’ electromagnetic pollution is really all about and how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

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