I will never forget meeting Ann Louise…

“In 1996 Ann Louise came to Telluride, Colorado to a restaurant I was managing at The Peaks Resort and Spa. I don’t usually work mornings but that day I was. She pulled me aside and mentioned to me how the buffet table was a carb-sugar laden mess with empty calories galore and food that lacked nutrition. And we were feeding skiers and athletes! She kindly asked if she could come back that night to the kitchen and show my pastry chefs how to cook a fruit tart (I believe) using stevia instead of sugar. I was so impressed with her kindness and knowledge. And then guess what? Because of my interest she sent me a stack of her wonderful books!! Oh my gosh…I have battled sugar addiction my whole life and these books will always, always remain in my heart and on my bookshelf. I still go for my half hour walk every morning and have used many of Ann Louise’s practices and eating philosophy. I will NEVER forget meeting her!”

Jan Marie S.

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