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The One-Day Fat Flush

one-day fat flushFast for body, mind, and spirit.

Like our 3-Day Metabolism Makeover, juice fasting is a whole new way to think about weight loss. These are healthy “crash diets” that not only work in the short run, but are good for you.

But fasting is much more. Properly done, the ancient tradition of fasting offers a myriad of benefits. Fasting serves as a kind of Sabbath to take a day of rest not only from eating but also from working—an essential aspect of healing for all of us. It’s the perfect time to go on a digital diet—and take a break from technology. A simple one day fast can really help you slow down, and keep your mind sharp and your spirit attuned.

“Fast Flushers” generally report feeling much more energized and centered. They have given themselves permission to take one day to “be” instead of to “do” and reconnect with themselves. Whether through meditation, deep breathing, or journaling, fasting affords an awesome opportunity to detox both physically and mentally.

Some have lost over eight pounds of bloat in just one day! Others have marveled at how the “cobwebs” get cleared from the mind—all by not eating and just sipping a delicious juice.

Healthy fasting—the kind supported by adequate nutritional preparation for the liver and sufficient fiber for the colon—is probably the best-kept secret I know for good health, long-term weight loss, and an overall feeling of well-being. Fasting may also be the secret to overcoming food cravings and other addictions, helping us to regain our natural hunger and restore an innate appreciation for the taste, smell, and texture of food.

How to Prepare Yourself Pre-Fast
Before you begin, however, do make sure you are nourishing your internal cleansing system with wholesome foods like daily greens, green drinks, lemon and water, cruciferous veggies, whey protein powder, chia and/or flax seeds. You can also choose to supplement your diet with formulas like Liver-Lovin, Super-GI Cleanse, and Flora-Key to provide additional support for your hardworking liver and colon at least one week before the fast—and two to three weeks thereafter.

Please keep in mind, that there are some individuals who simply should not fast. (See footnote for details.)*

For those who are candidates for a one day detox diet, get ready to enjoy my special “Miracle Juice.” Every ingredient has been specially chosen to stave off hunger, balance your blood sugar, rev up your metabolism, and keep you feeling fit, energized, and trim.

One-Day Fat Flush Protocol

To conduct your one-day fast, follow this simple, four-step program.

1. Prepare the Miracle Juice:

2 quarts Cranberry Water (8 ounces unsweetened cranberry juice to 56 ounces purified water)
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground ginger
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¾ cup freshly squeezed orange juice
¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
Stevia Plus to taste (2 packets seems ideal)

• Bring Cranberry Water to a boil; reduce heat to low.
• Place cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg into a tea ball; add to the Cranberry Water.
• Simmer 15 to 20 minutes; cool to room temperature.
• Stir in the orange and lemon juices. Add Stevia Plus at this time, if desired.

2. Upon rising and before bed, take 1 serving of a colon-caring supplement chosen from the following:
Cold Milled Flax seeds or Chia Seeds (2 to 3 tablespoons mixed in 10 to 12 ounces of water or 8 ounces Miracle Juice)
Super-GI Cleanse (3 capsules, taken with 10 to 12 ounces of water or 8 ounces Miracle Juice)

3. Alternate drinking one cup (8 ounces) of filtered water and one cup (8 ounce) of Miracle Juice during the day. Drink at least 72 ounces of filtered water throughout the day, in addition to the Miracle Juice. Make sure you drink at least a cup of liquid—either the Miracle Juice or water—every hour from waking to sleeping.

4. Engage in only light exercise—either a 20 minute walk or 10 minutes on a rebounder (mini-trampoline).

What to Avoid While Fasting
As far as vitamins are concerned, this is one day when you should NOT take dietary supplements. You want to give your digestive track a complete rest when it comes to digestion—whether that be foods or vitamins and minerals. There will be plenty of time to re-integrate your dietary supplement regimen the day after when you begin to eat real foods—like easily digestible and steamed veggies, stews, and soups to further assist the cleansing process with water-based dishes. Light proteins such as poultry and deep sea fish would be ideal, too.

I predict that fasting may become one of your favorite seasonal detox rituals just as it is mine.  Let’s fast one day at a time -just for the health of it!

*Although fasting is an excellent therapy for better health for most people, there are some who should not fast. You should not fast if you have cardiac arrhythmia, type I diabetes, congestive heart failure, ulcers, liver disease, or kidney disease or if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. You should not fast before or after surgery as it might compromise your ability to heal. For more fasting info, check out ‘The Fast Track Detox Diet.’

18 Responses

    1. I would imagine it is a concern with your electrolyte levels during a fast. If they get too low or become imbalanced it may exacerbate the arrhythmia.

  1. I would like to be able to print our the one day detox diet – is it available to be printed? Is it in a booklet?
    Thank you
    Ursula Schaufler

    1. You may print this article simply by clicking on the little icon of a printer at the top of the page, just under the title of the blog.

  2. I need to print this but am unable to … is it blocked for some reason, or are we not able to print off this site ??

    thanks …

    1. Centered just under the title is a little printer icon that will lead you to a printer-friendly page. It is tiny, but it is there 🙂

  3. I am breastfeeding and wanted to do the cleanse/detox to support my husband this time around. We have done your Fast Track method before with great success and use you book as our go-to resource. I am on day 4 of the prequel and because I am breastfeeding I do not intend to fast. Is there anything else I should do to avoid dumping toxins into my bloodstream/breastmilk? Or will eliminating the fast pretty much avoid that? We eat very clean as it is, so the only things I’ve truly had to change for the prequel are cutting out sugar 100% (I don’t eat a lot, but do enjoy a little here in there) and organic wheat (gluten) as I don’t consume any of the other identified detractors. Any advice you can provide is greatly appreciated!

    1. Lara, Yes, you should be ok doing the prequel and sequel without the fast. Just be sure to have large enough portions to support your calorie needs when you are breastfeeding.

  4. When it says upon rising and before bed, take one serving of a colon caring supplement, does that mean before bed the night before the cleanse or before bed the night of after the whole cleanse?

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