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Is There Weight Loss Support Online?

I’m about 40 pounds overweight, and I just can’t seem to get rid of it on my own. So recently I joined a weekly diet support group. Although I like hearing some of the other dieters’ tips, listening to people who only have to lose “those last few pounds” just makes me feel jealous and worse about myself. How can I find group support that actually motivates me?

Turn on your computer to stay gung ho. Anonymous online diet programs or message boards are proven to enhance weight-loss efforts: Researchers from Brown University Medical School discovered that dieters who went online for encouragement lost three times more weight than people who didn’t seek support. Websites like the Fat Flush Community provide 24-hour info and “chat” service for help during the day, while chat rooms connect you to people who have similar needs and goals.

One Response

  1. My 47yr old daughter had a hemorrhagic stroke Thanksgiving of 2014. Great care with surgery and 6 months of hospitals and nursing home. May of 2015 she moved in with me with 70 extra pounds. Her insurance plan and doctor have been great with therapy and specialty doctors but none that can help with her weight. In your line of products, what do you recommend she take? Her vitals are excellent, she recently started walking on her own, goes to a stroke center where she exercises 3 times a week. I do the cooking and try low carbs, fish and chicken, salads and vegetables.She has not lost a pound. I am an 81 yr old caregiver and need help.
    Thank you.

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