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My Fat Flush Detox Soup Diet Goes Viral

Cheri lost 65 lbs and five sizes!

My Fat Flush Detox Soup is back as a Woman’s World Magazine cover story— just in time for the 2022 weight loss season! With stress and weight gain both being major health concerns for so many women lately, my famous soup recipe has been souper-charged with ingredients that both soothe stress and burn fat. And so far, the strategy seems to be working as women are dropping up to 18 lbs in one week!

This mouth-watering recipe is featured in the February 14, 2022 issue of Woman’s World magazine (you can find it on newsstands starting February 3rd). You’ll see the headline “Best Detox Soup” front and center on the cover with a stunning after picture of Cheri Meisel, a Fat Flusher who lost 65 lbs and 5 sizes with a combination of this soup and the Fat Flush Soup.

When my first Fat Flush Soup recipe hit the newstands in Woman’s World magazine over 10 years ago, I was inspired by a study at Penn State that found eating soup can cut your hunger so that you consume up to 448 fewer calories per meal.

Since then, it’s gone viral every year and I’ve shared annual tweaks to boost immunity, enhance thyroid function, rebuild adrenals, calm inflammation, and several months ago, shared a wildly-popular keto variation.

This latest rendition has been so successful that Woman’s World got word about the stunning results women have reported and it landed on the cover again for 2022!

The keto soup in this week’s cover story is the exact recipe Cheri Meisel found so helpful for her success and for good reason…

New Yale research shows that short stints of keto can give your body a lasting metabolism boost and also offer protection against sugar-related health issues.

I’ve personally found that using a healthy keto plan for anywhere from 5 days to 5 weeks gets incredible results. This not only accelerates fat burn, but the break from processing excess blood sugar allows the body to rejuvenate so that when you start reintroducing friendly carbs, you’re able to handle them better and keep dropping pounds. (I’m not a fan of Keto for women long-term which you can read more about here.)

In this Keto-fied version of Fat Flush Soup, you’ll find keto-friendly fats from ingredients and garnishes like grass-fed meat, coconut milk and avocado to trigger fat burn and calm inflammation in the brain enough to work better (!) than antidepressants. And, you’ll spice things up with curry powder which contains compounds shown to increase fat loss by up to 300% and boost your mood.

How You Can Achieve Cheri’s Success For Yourself

To find your own slimming success with my Keto Detox Soup, simply follow the meal plan Cheri used as outlined in the Woman’s World article – a breakfast smoothie, soup for lunch and dinner, snacks and plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. I know you won’t be disappointed – Cheri’s dramatic before and after photos show just how effective this plan can be.

After struggling with thyroid issues for over 20 years, she failed to lose weight on numerous other diets, until she found Fat Flush and this soup plan! Cheri says, “the combination of ingredients really made my metabolism speed up. In 14 days I lost 15 pounds – not bad for a 65-year old with hypothyroidism!” Now, with a combination of the soup diet and a more relaxed Fat Flush program, Cheri is down 65 pounds in less than a year!

She also credits the Fat Flush Kit supplements with enhancing her results. Cheri says “my energy and mood are both way, way up. I look in the mirror and go, ‘when did that happen?’ The weight just melted right off of me!”

My Fat Flush Detox Soup Diet Goes Viral

If you are ready for a fresh start, but not sure how to begin, then this soup and targeted supplements may be just what you need. We are so thrilled with our latest variation of the soup and the results from women around the country, that we also decided to release a souped-up next step version. See my new Fat Flush Perfect 10 Guide if you want to continue the momentum with a few tweaks for variation.

Soup’s on— again— at my house. How about yours?

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