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Could A Watermelon Flush Reduce My Cellulite?

Do cellulite-reduction supplements work? Since having my twins two years ago, I’ve dreaded shorts season. During pregnancy my thighs became covered in cellulite all the way down to my knees, and it never went away. I found an herbal supplement that promises to get rid of the dimples, but can pills like these really help?

Many herbal cellulite products contain powerful diuretic ingredients that flush water weight, thereby reducing the appearance of cellulite. But these diuretics also wash away valuable minerals such as potassium and magnesium. This can leave you tired and foggy, plus cause blood sugar imbalances that I lead to weight gain. The healthier way I to go: Try a one- or two-day watermelon flush once a week. Watermelon is a safe, mild diuretic that flushes the trapped lymph fluid just under skin that causes orange-peel puckering. To do the flush, simply eat as much fresh watermelon as you like and drink only water. Women often see smoother skin after just two cleanses.

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