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Firm Up Loose Skin With CLA And GLA

I’ve been thrilled with my results on FIRST’s soup diet, I’ve lost 38 pounds in the last three months! There’s just one problem: now I have excess skin on my arms and belly. Can a diet tweak help?

 Absolutely! I suggest supplementing with 180 mg of gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and 1,000 mg of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) twice daily. This strategy will supply the body with essential fatty acids that increase the elasticity of skin cell membranes, plus promote the formation of muscle that works to pull loose skin in toward the body.

Most of my clients find that their skin starts to look firmer and smoother within four weeks of supplementing. What’s more, since GLA and CLA also work synergistically to stimulate the activity of metabolism-boosting brown fat cells, many women lose up to 10 pounds (and 2 to 3 belly inches) per month.

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