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Celebrate with Fat Flushing Foods to Speed Slimming During the Holidays

piece of salmon

Christmas, New Year’s, and all their celebratory indulgences are in our midst. Thankfully, there are special Fat Flushing superfoods that can help fix dietary misgivings, curb cravings and restore optimum weight and well-being better than any “magic bullet”. Fat Flushing Foods will help flush out stubborn fat stores no other diet can.

Nutritionally dense, Fat Flush superfoods stand head and shoulders above the most common fruits, vegetables, fats, and proteins you’ll find popularized in the “hottest” diet trends or in other health books. Fat Flush is different from any other eating plan because it features healing gems that flush fat from the body, detoxify the system, and contribute to overall health and beauty.

And that’s just for starters….

Because cleansing foods are the most important factor in losing weight and maintaining overall health, I’ve chosen the best of the best to help you usher in the New Year with a slimmer, more fit body. By implementing these Fat Flushing foods and supplements, you’ll be in control of gaining the fit, tight, healthy body you’ve always wanted despite holiday over-eating.

The Miracle Fat-Flushing Foods

  • Rally with radishes! Radishes are the new cauliflower! High in fiber and water, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals (especially sulfur), this tops my list as a fat-flushing miracle food. Radishes have a perfect combination of fiber – which binds to fat – and water, which flushes the fat-fiber duos from your body. Eating low-calorie, high-fiber radishes like daikon can help you lose weight. Daikon is a non-starchy vegetable, meaning it is low in carbs. Eating non- starchy vegetables can promote a healthy body weight. For this reason, I urge you to build meals around radishes, including daikon, horseradish and the many other varieties available to choose from. For the holidays, add 6 red radishes to your salads and ½ cup thinly sliced daikon to your soups and stews. Be sure to include horseradish as tasty condiment in your favorite dips for added zip and nutritional value.
  • Hurray for Jicama! Jicama also makes it on my short list of fat-flushing miracle foods. Jicama, also known as Mexican turnip or yam bean, is a tuberous root known for its high fiber content which can not only prevent or treat constipation but can stabilize blood sugar levels and help reduce the risk of heart disease. As a Fat Flushing miracle food, Jicama is an excellent prebiotic containing inulin, which supports the growth of probiotics by providing them with food. As a low-calorie and nutritionally dense food, there is no wonder I have chosen this food to be included as a Fat-Flush miracle food. Jicama sticks included in your veggie trays makes a crunchy and satisfying addition to your holiday appetizers.
  • Count on Carnitine. Beef is nature’s best source of L-carnitine, a top Fat Flush nutrient that ushers fat into muscle cells so it can be burned. Without optimal amounts of carnitine, there is no optimal fat burning. Include 3-4 ounces of lean red meat once or twice per week for increased fat burning and greater energy throughout the day. If you really want to get the Fat Flushing boost of L-carnitine, take Uni Key’s Weight Loss Formula daily, which contains 500 mg of L-carnitine for optimal energy production.
  • Savor Salmon! Rich in omega-3s, salmon is a Fat Flush miracle food which balances the body chemistry, making it far easier to burn fat. By including these omega-3s in your diet at least two times per week, you can be sure to ramp up your fat burning engines for overall acceleration of weight loss and health.
  • Fuel Up with Flaxseed. Flaxseed oil has been a mainstay staple in my kitchen for over 25 years – for a very good reason. Flaxseeds, as well as walnuts are a “good fat” – also rich in omega-3s and rich in gamma linoleic acid (omega-6). GLA stimulates the metabolism in fat tissues that is usually dormant in those who are over-weight. Simply incorporating 1-2 tablespoons a day in your smoothies or salad dressings can help you burn fat and maintain lean muscle for a fit and toned body as you head into the New Year.
  • Crank up the cranberries. Cranberry juice is my favorite ruby colored, tart Fat Flush staple! It is packed with enzymes not found in any other foods that aid in the digestion of fat. It is an excellent blood sugar regulator which helps to curb your cravings and keeps you from over- eating. During the holidays, it is easy to incorporate this miracle food/drink in your menu plans and sip on my famous cran-water throughout the day to help usher fats out and bring refreshment in. Be sure to buy pure unsweetened cranberry juice or simply make it by bringing 5 cups of filtered water and 1 pound of fresh cranberries to a boil; when the berries pop, strain the juice and store in refrigerator.

And that’s not all….

I wanted you to be the first to know about my new Ultra Fast Fat Flush guide which will help you accelerate your weight loss efforts even more in 2021…. While the guide officially launches on January 4th, I couldn’t resist giving you the scoop sooner. In this guide, you’ll be incorporating my top four Ultra Fast Fat Flush foods and practices that will help you drop pounds and inches faster than ever before! You can download your free copy at FatFlush.com.

All in all, we wish you a magical and peaceful holiday season.

In the best of health,
Ann Louise

2 Responses

  1. I was planning to have a beef roast but will also now include a jicama salad. I love salmon too and have it often.

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