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Autism Awareness

Can you improve your unborn child’s health?

I am so concerned about the rising rates of children being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs)—a group of developmental disabilities that contribute to major social, communicative, and behavioral challenges. ASDs are now estimated to occur in 1 in 110 children in the U.S. alone.

Could the plethora of childhood vaccinations be the cause? Or perhaps heavy metals, fungus and fungal metabolites, and/or a lack of glutathione—the body’s premier antioxidant, which is known as the “toxic waste eliminator.”

I found a recent study very interesting which sheds more light on the autism mystery. In this study, there were 21 non-autistic children and 34 autistic children whose homocysteine levels were measured in their urine. Homocystein is a potentially toxic amino acid. The researchers found that the autistic children’s sample was dramatically higher in homocysteine than those of the non-autistic control group.

The authors of the study concluded that the higher level of homocysteine found among the autistic children may indicate deficiencies of folic acid, B6, and B12—the nutrients necessary to convert homocysteine to the harmless essential amino acid methionine.

This is potentially a breakthrough study and I would highly recommend that all parents of autistic children have their children’s blood tested for folic acid, B6, and B12. Also consider eliminating unnecessary ultrasounds during pregnancy as there is major suspicion that the electromagnetic fields from the Dopple ultrasound use may be harming the fetus—and a source of the escalating autism epidemic.

As Autism Awareness Month wraps up, please take a moment to visit www.autism-society.org and www.autismspeaks.org to learn more about autism and what you can do to increase awareness.

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