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10 Ways to Have a Super 2010

newyearnewyouSure-Fire Tips for a New You in the New Year.

Now that 2009 has become 2010, it’s a great time to make some changes. Coming on the heels of so much holiday feasting, you’re probably considering a weight loss diet as well as other ways to become a new you in the New Year.

Here are 10 ways you can slim down, energize yourself, optimize your health, and look as great and as young as you’ll feel.

1. Lose unwanted pounds permanently. Whether you choose Classic Fat Flush (the New York Times bestselling plan that has helped millions shed weight) or the gentler, seasonal approach in Fat Flush For Life, The Year-Round Super Detox Plan to Boost Your Metabolism and Keep the Weight Off, you’ll be using proven methods for turbo-charging weight loss. While Fat Flush has had many imitators since I first introduced this concept back in the 1980s with Beyond Pritikin, others fail to deliver the kind of results you’ll see in the Success Stories on my website.

2. Support your liver and lymph system, the Grand Central Station of your body’s detox function. With the proliferation of environmental toxins—ranging from hormone disrupters in pesticides and plastics to electropollution from cell phones and Wi-Fi—these organs can’t perform their fat-burning and other essential functions, like balancing blood-sugar and hormone levels. Drink Cranberry H2O throughout the day to get lymph flowing (so you can get rid of waterlogged tissue) and to speed up the breakdown of carcinogens and other poisons in the liver.

3. Eat the right fats to lose body fat. I was shocked to find one of those new “belly fat cure” diets recommending safflower oil. This oil usually is heated in processing (and home cooking) if not hydrogenated into dangerous trans fats—preventing its omega 6s from turning into healthy prostagladins, which fight body fat and inflammation that trigger weight gain. To burn body fat, you need omega-3 oils (in chia, flaxseed oil, and fish oil) or “good” omega-6 fats (like GLA and CLA) to mobilize the body’s metabolically active brown fat, stop inflammation in its tracks, and balance blood sugar to end cravings.

4. Say no to salty and sugary foods. Salty processed foods create water weight, while sugary and yeasty foods cause bloating. Diet sodas and sugar-free gum that use artificial sweeteners can pooch out your belly. For no-heat beverages and foods, use Flora-Key, a natural sweetener with FOS that doesn’t impact blood sugar levels or feed yeasts and bacteria. As an added benefit, Flora-Key provides 6.5 billion friendly bacteria (or probiotics) that crowd out harmful pathogens and toxins that hinder your ability to lose weight.

5. Stress less and sleep more. Cortisol, the stress hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, promotes fat—particularly in the tummy. This stress hormone can also keep you from sleeping, and too little sleep—by itself—makes you fat! In addition to Calming Breath techniques in Fat Flush for Life, take Adrenal Formula with vital nutrients that rebuild and rejuvenate adrenal function while supporting the thyroid, which (if it becomes sluggish) contributes to weight gain.

6. Move it! People who are obese spend too much time sitting. Lymph circulation depends on moving your body regularly throughout the day. Both Fat Flush for Life and The Fat Flush Fitness Plan provide easy exercises with clear directions and useful illustrations—ranging from warm-up stretches to Yoga Quickies—that help you love your lymph, build lean body tissue, and lose weight.

7. Green up your act. Whenever possible, eat organic. What’s the point of cleansing your body of unwanted fat-producing toxins if you’re to fill it full of pesticide- and hormone-laden foods all over again? Go natural in your personal-care products and household cleaners to lower your body burden of unwanted toxins. Drink filtered tap water, and if you need to carry water with you, use BPA-Free Water Bottles to prevent plastic leaching.

8. Steer clear of parasites. Over half of all Americans carry around uninvited guests, ranging from giardia in drinking water to worms transmitted by pets. Wash your hands carefully for 20 seconds after handling pets, changing diapers, using the bathroom, preparing food, and eating. If you’re tired for no reason, hungry even after meals, or have other reasons to suspect parasites, try My Colon Cleansing Kit, one of most advanced—yet safe and gentle—systems for eliminating uninvited guests, while repopulating the gut with probiotics.

9. Reflect for renewal. I highly recommend keeping a journal, writing down your innermost thoughts and feelings, especially during cleansing and detox. Be honest but not overly critical of yourself. If you fall off Fat Flush, recognize that it takes time to change those ingrained habits you’ve had for years.

10. Live in the moment. I firmly believe that “where your attention goes, so goes your energy.” Let go of the past—even if that means burning painful pages in your journal. Take a few minutes each day to meditate and refocus your energy. Remember, the New Year (even a new decade) starts off one day at time. Live today—and every day—to the fullest. Happy 2010!

Just in time for New Year’s Resolutions…
Fat Flush for Life is NOW Available! Order today!

Fat Flush for Life
The Fat Flush Plan
The Fat Flush Fitness Plan

The Gut Flush Plan


15 Responses

  1. I was so happy when I saw you on “Fit TV”. Your whole philosophy is exactly the way I always felt. I agree with everything in your Fat Flush book. One question is about grains. Doctor’s push grains…grains and I do not agree. Am I missing out on important nutrients because I don’t eat them? They also say that red meat is not good for you…I thrive on it. One time, for a year, I became a vegetarian and stopped eating all fats and increased grains. My doctor said, “Oh, great! Wait until you see your blood test results. My blood test results switched from good to horrible. My cholesterol went up, my LDL’s went up and my HDL’s went down. I questioned my doctor about this and he said, “Well, all I can say is that if you weren’t eating this way they would have been much worse.” That is not the answer I wanted to heaar since my blood test previously, when eating meat, fats, and no grains, were really good.

    I lost 47 pounds on your Fat Flush Plan and kept it off for one year. I slowly regained it. I never thought I would, but bad habits came back.

    I went to the doctor’s (a different one) for my annual check-up. I have high blood pressure. It isn’t that bad when I take it at home (somewhat high), but in the doctor’s office, it’s much higher. My dad had high blood pressure and I know it is hereditary. I would like mine to be lower. Blood sugar 102, HDL’s 61, LDL’s 131, triglycerides 51, cholesterol 212. I had actually been on the Fat Flush plan a couple of months before I went to this appointment. My PTH is mildly elevated but blood calcium is normal. I had this problem before. About a year and a half ago, my foot swelled up really bad. I had many tests, they thought I had rheumtoid arthritis, but I didn’t. At that time my PTH was up and my blood calcium was up too. Had it tested a little later and they said they were OK. They also checked my bone density and Vit. D, both OK. They never did figure out what caused the swelling and pain (it seemed like gout but it wasn’t).

    I just got Carlson fish Oil and Female Multiple Vitamins (copper free) and your new book from your website. I use your Fat Flush Whey Protein Powder and I also have Black Currant Oil. I never took vitamins because I feared getting too much of some vitamins and minerals. My concern is proper proportions. How much of these do I take in one day so that I am not getting too much of something? I’m confused about EPA, DHA, Omega 3 and Omega 6. What are the right proportions and ratios (fighting inflammation). Maybe I need Adrenal help?

    I was on synthroid for hypothroidism (Hashimoto) for 20 years. A naturalpathic doctor got me off it and my thyroid is fine. I guess I should tell you that I am 60 years old.

    Sorry this is so long. but if I have these concerns, maybe other people do too. We are all in this together!!

    Thank you for everything you are doing for people. We all love you!!

    Kathryn C.

    P.S. Is chlorine bad to swim in because your skin is your biggest organ and absorbs it?

  2. Hello There:
    Thank you for your post. In a nutshell, I beleive that EVERYBODY needs GLA because when I do Omega testing, everyone is deficient. It is a “good” Omega 6 and 4 GLA-90’s per day will keep your ratios in balance with the fish oil. To answer the rest of you question, I would very much suggest that you consider TMA (hair anaylsis testing) so your mineral ratios can be evaluated for your thyroid and adrenals. This will tell the tale. Please call UNI KEY at 1-800 -88888-4353 or go to http://www.unikeyhealth.com. This is the most effective, inexpensive way I know to monitor your hormones, toxicity levels, metabolism, and minerals for overall health. Good luck to you.

  3. Ann Louise, thank you for your reply….I really didn’t think you would have the time to answer me. I am very impressed….you are the greatest!!!

  4. Sorry to write again, but what about swimming in chlorine? I want to swim but am not because of the chlorine.
    Thanks again,

  5. I am in the process of using the colon cleansing kit for the third month. It seems I had a reaaly bad case of uninvited guests. I am very disciplined about eating only the foods suggested and eliminating those on the toboo list. I have lost 25 pounds. I am truly finally starting to feel well again. I had a ton of illnesses that no Doctor was curing- just treating. I am no longer getting migraines[ I was having them 2-3times a week] , I would bruise for no reason. terrible body aches, not sleeping at night, numbness in my hands and feet, I could go on and on, These are just some of my issuesnas most of them are now gone. Now all I have to do is to complete my colon cleansing program and I am going to continue the new eating habits. Thank you for educating people on this subject. I was truly a mess and my Doctors just weren’t checking for that

  6. You are right, chlorine is harmful. It dries your hair and skin and destroys good bacteria in the gut. Also it can decrease iodine levels in the tissues.

  7. speaking of chlorine, Dr. Ann, what are your thoughts on hot tubs? I am kinda hooked on getting in ours at bedtime about 4 times a week. I am the only one who uses it and my husband maintains it at 104 degrees with the bare minimum bromine to kill the bacteria, he uses the test strips every weekend; It’s actually a hydro therapy spa, I don’t turn on the jets, thinking that would keep the chemicals from micro spraying all around me, but I find it really helps me sleep great and I always put lotion on afterwards. I would love to know what you think about this. Thx so much!

  8. Dr. Ann Louise – I have been taking 3 mg of Melatonin each night before bed. I have been getting good sleep (waking typically once to use the bathroom & going right back to sleep). I think I have been using the Melatonin for a couple of months now. I read somewhere that it is not good to continue to take Melatonin for long periods of time. What is your take on Melatonin and should I stop using it?

  9. In regard to the chlorine question: I once read something that really changed the way I look at my skin. The author wrote, “If you wouldn’t put it in your mouth to drink or eat it because of toxicity, then you shouldn’t put it on your skin either.”

    I had never really thought about that before. I eat organic everything but I was still putting chemicals on my hair and skin! Once I had my “duh” moment, I got rid of my lotions, soaps and shamppos and went organic.

    I do have a chlorine pool, but I rarely go in since I read those words. Until I can afford to turn it into a salt water system, I may go in for a few moments, but quickly shower and get it off my skin afterwards. Our skin is a sponge and the entire time I am in the pool all I can envision is “drinking” Chlorox!!

  10. Susan, we changed our pool system to a salt filter last summer and I could really tell a difference!! Not only were we not going and buying the 2 gallon HEAVY jugs of chlorine to pour in all the time but we didn’t have to put anymore salt in all summer than what was installed with it. We were very impressed with that and the overall feeling of swimming in the crystal clear water. It’s a hit on your wallet at installation but we forfeited vacation for the expense.

  11. Last year I started Fat Flushing and lost 14 pounds. I have to admit that over the holidays I was not a very good role model and put back on 5 of those lost pounds. I am back to Ph 2 and cannot seem to get the weight to budge. It seems like it is much harder to get my body to lose now than it was when I first started flushing. I am taking all the Fat Flush Vitamins, plus magnesium and have recently purchased the CLA. I read in the FF book that CLA might help. How I can start losing again?

  12. Hi Ann Louise,
    I recently caught a small portion of a radio segment where you were discussing diabetes. I have had diabetes(type 2)for several years but admittingly, was in diabetic denial. After years of trying to control it with diet and exercise and trying some medications, I was forced to go on Insulin this year. My concern is, will I be able to loose weight on Insulin? I hear many horror stories and I was hoping to loose the last 25 lbs this year before I was told I needed Insulin. I have a good diet and exercise plan in place but I am already seeing the weight loss process slow down.

    Could you please advise?

    Thanks so much…..Signed, “Diabetic Denial”

  13. Janel- It sounds like your body may need a bit of a shake up to get the weight loss moving again. Have you seen Dr. Ann Louise’s Smoothie Shakedown: https://smoothieshakedown.com? A lot of veteran Fat Flasher’s have used it with great success.

    Leisa- Are you following one of Dr. Ann Louise’s programs? On her Fat Flush program you can lose weight even on insulin. She designed it, with both food and supplements that help balance blood sugar, after finding many of her clients had problems controlling their blood sugar. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have on program if you’re interested, 1-800-888-4353.

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