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3-Day SOS Metabolism Makeover

woman in the suit keeping near the rescueLose 3-5 pounds in a flush!

Help! So, you’ve been losing weight this summer, but now you’ve hit a plateau.

Your resolve is beginning to wane. You’re having trouble sticking to your diet. You are really frustrated that the scale is not moving southward as quickly and effortlessly as it once did. Or maybe you celebrated a little too much for a special occasion or just got back from a “fattening” vacation. You are on the lookout for an “emergency” way to lose your tummy in a hurry for an upcoming wedding or high school reunion. And you need almost overnight results.

Just for in time for that special event, I’ve created a double-whammy. I combined two of my most successful weight loss strategies of all time for a special liquid Flush with really fast results! With the Hot Metabolism Cocktail, you’ll be cool as a cucumber while your metabolism heats up with lots of thermogenic spices, green veggies, and tomatoes.

You’ll start to see a shrinking waist without sacrificing your health—like so many crash diets do—because you’ll also be consuming plenty of fiber, omega-3-rich oil, fruits, and hypoallergenic protein.

At the core of the plan is my special “cocktail with a kick” that you will be drinking three times per day: morning, noon, and night. The Hot Metabolism Cocktail, due to its high water content, helps you stay filled up and fuller longer while keeping calories low. For lunch and dinner, fruit-flushing smoothies with complimentary weight-regulating ingredients will help give your digestive system a rest while delivering long term appetite satisfaction and hydration.

Here’s what you need to get started:

Hot Metabolism Cocktail
– Makes 1 serving
1 large ripe tomato, or 8 ounces V8 or Knudsen’s Very Veggie Juice
½ cup fresh squeezed lime or lemon juice
½ cup filtered water (unless using juice)
Handful of fresh parsley
Handful of fresh cilantro
1 green onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/8 teaspoon cayenne (or as desired)
2 teaspoons olive oil
½ teaspoon Seaweed Gomasio
½ teaspoon Flora-Key
1 tablespoon chia seeds
6 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients in a blender until the desired consistency is reached.

Follow this daily menu for two to five days to melt off pounds in a hurry.

Breakfast: Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Lunch: Fat Flush Smoothie (Made from 1 scoop Fat Flush Body Protein, 8-ounces water, 1 cup fresh or frozen berries, 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil, 1 tablespoon flax seeds or chia seeds, and ice cubes, if you choose.)
Snack: Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Dinner: Fat Flush Smoothie
Before bedtime: Hot Metabolism Cocktail
Daily: Consume half your body weight in ounces of water (typically 10-12 8-ounce glasses)

By eliminating wheat, dairy, yeast, and salty, spicy or acidic seasonings you will actually trigger your body to release pounds of unnecessary fluid. Your plateau will be a thing of the past as your body purges accumulated fat and fluid from its tissues.

Think of it, the “new you” is only three days away. And even better, once you resume your regular Fat Flushing diet principles and exercise regimen, you will maintain your slimming results for your summertime beach body.

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