The healthy sweetener that makes saying goodbye easy.
If you really want to kick the sugar habit, then search no more because Lakanto looks like sugar, tastes like sugar, bakes like sugar and can be used in a one-to-one ratio to replace sugar. Considered by many to be both the best-tasting and healthiest sugar substitute on the planet, Lakanto is a combination of non-GMO erythritol, and Chinese monkfruit (luo han guo) long touted as the “longevity fruit.”
Erythritol is a corn-derived fermented sugar alcohol. Monkfruit is a naturally sweet fruit that is 300 times sweeter than sugar itself. Lakanto contains zero calories, zero additives, and scores zero on the glycemic index. Since your body metabolizes monk fruit differently, it will not raise your insulin level and is perfectly safe for diabetics. This super healthy sweetener is great for baking and tastes a bit like maple syrup. It is also perfect for adding to teas and smoothies. Lakanto has even been shown to prevent tooth decay! How great is that?
So Long, Sugar
With Lakanto on your team, ending your relationship with sugar for good is easy. This means limiting all sources of natural sugars from fruit—especially fructose. That’s why two servings of fruit per day is my recommendation on my Fat Flush program. Even natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup and brown rice syrup can play havoc with blood sugar.
A Weekend Treat
Below is a delicious recipe for a weekend morning from The New Fat Flush Plan that uses Lakanto. Do share your photos of your breakfast feast on our Fat Flush Nation community on Facebook!
Oatmeal Banana Waffle
2 cups rolled oats
2 cups water
1 banana
¼ teaspoon Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon sea salt
• Preheat waffle iron according to manufacturer’s directions.
• combine all ingredients in blender.
• Blend until smooth.
• Pour batter into waffle iron.
• cook according to manufacturer’s directions and enjoy with your
favorite syrup or fresh fruit.
Makes 2–3 servings.
You’re going to love Lakanto—and so will your waistline!