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CLA Pares Off the Pounds

Benefits Go Far Beyond Weight Loss.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is back in the news. And for good reason!

This “good” omega-6 fat lowers body mass index (BMI) and overall body fat after 8 weeks in obese postmenopausal women with Type 2 diabetes. Earlier Norwegian research showed a stunning 20 percent decrease in the ratio of body fat to lean tissue. Overweight individuals also lost an average of 7 pounds—without making any changes in their diets.

A hefty body of research suggests that CLA does far more than stimulate weight loss. Combined with vitamin E, conjugated linoleic acid may be useful in lowering oxidative stress in rheumatoid arthritis, reports another new study.

More than 300 studies point to CLA’s value in cancer, cardiac, and diabetes therapy. Reviewing human studies of this “critical” fat, University of Nevada scientists suggest that conjugated linoleic acid plays an important role in preventing oxidative damage, benefiting fatty acid metabolism, as well as immune and inflammatory responses in the body—and ultimately protecting against heart disease.

Long-term research of the benefits of CLA supplements shows that regular use can significantly lower body weight, body fat, and BMI. And the few adverse effects reported in the studies (mostly mild gastrointestinal complaints) apparently result from taking CLA supplements without food.

Compare that to other popular weight loss products such as over-the-counter Alli and its prescription version Xenical which were recently linked to 32 cases of liver injury. While the FDA has not removed these drugs from the market, the agency has warned people taking them to see a doctor if they experience any sign of liver problems. These include abdominal pain, dark urine, jaundice (a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes), and overall weakness.

Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:

I know CLA works. I have marveled at how this substance—part of the Fat Flush protocol for nearly 10 years—specifically targets belly fat. During phase 3 (the Fat Flush lifestyle phase), CLA helps keep fat off and muscle on!

Since the 1980s, a research team headed by Michael W. Pariza, Ph.D., at the University of Wisconsin has been investigating CLA, which is naturally produced by grass-fed livestock. Cows allowed to graze on grassy pasture have 500 percent more of this “good” omega-6 fat in their milk than cows fed today’s typical grain diet.

Besides lowering CLA levels, so-called agricultural “advances” have also introduced synthetic hormones, antibiotics, pesticide residues, and unwanted additives to the food supply, potentially affecting far more than Americans’ consumption and metabolism of this “skinny” fat. With so many fattening toxins and hormones in the daily diet, is it any wonder that overweight and obesity are epidemic in this country?

Of course, a balanced diet and regular exercise are essential, but sometimes a little extra boost is needed in the weight loss department. If you’re interested in losing weight, enhancing your immune system, or improving your cardiac health, think CLA.

UNI KEY’s CLA-1000 has been one of the top 10 selling products for years. The research-backed dose is 3 to 6 softgels per day, which is the equivalent of 3,000 – 6,000 mgs. For more rapid weight loss or to specifically target tummy fat, take 6 softgels per day for several weeks. When results are obtained, cut back to 3 per day.




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