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Does your Diet Agree With Your Meds?

So many individuals are on meds these days that I thought it wise to give you a “heads up” on your meds and nutrient interactions.

1) When you take antibiotics for long or short term, always include a daily dose of probiotics. Probiotics (like Flora Key or Dr. O’s) should be taken two hours before or two hours after antibiotics. Also, many antibiotics should not be taken with dairy products because calcium can lessen their effectiveness. My recommendation is to dole out the dairy (including any whey protein powder drink) at least two hours before or two hour after your intake of meds. You could always combine your probiotics with a whey smoothie because whey is a potent pre-biotic, keeping all those billions of colony forming units alive and well in your GI tract. The B vitamins can become depleted from antibiotics so fortify yourself with a multi B vitamin with the beautiful Bs – B1, B2, B3, B5, B12 and……..biotin. My personal biotin fave – the 5 mg Biotin that UNI KEY sells.

2) Blood thinners like Coumadin, Heparin, and Lovenox don’t combine well with our signature cranwater. Cranberry juice has natural blood thinning benefits. There have been studies (several in the UK) that suggest that Coumadin, especially, does not go well with cranwater. Excessive bleeding can occur which can lead to serious complications.

3) Glucophage, that popular diabetes drug, can seriously impact B12 levels. If you are taking Glucophage to control your blood sugar levels, then make sure your doctor runs periodic B12 blood tests.

4) Statin drugs (Lipitor, Zoco, Mevacor, and Pravachol) are notorious for depleting CoQ10 and Vitamin E levels. If you must take a statin to lower inflammation, then by all means supplement with at least 200 – 300 CoQ10. I also beleive in at least 400 IUs of Vitamin E per day of a mixed tocopheryl or tocopheryl and tocotrienols.

5) Anti-inflammatories like Aleve, Advil, Motrin IB or even aspirin can knock out folic acid, potassium, Vitamin C and calcium.

6) Thryoid hormones, particularly, Levoxyl, can deplete calcium.

7) SSRIs (we’re talking Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, and Luvox here) have a depleting effect on sodium. If you are already low in folic acid (one of the most widespread vitamin deficiencies in the land), then you may not respond well to these tranquilizers in any case. Don’t take natural supplements like 5-HTP with this as it will counteract effectiveness.

8) Antacids (Maalox and Mylanta) can up your almuminum levels.

9) Tagament, Pepcid, and Zantac (all histamine H2 blockers) impact absortion of folic acid, iron, copper, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and zinc.

10) Those well-advertised osteoporosis drugs (the bisphosphonates like Fosamax) should not be combined with any supplements for at least two hours before or after the medication is taken.

If your meds are kicking out nutrients, then its time to replace those missing nutrients accordingly.

My thought for the week:

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.
Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.
– Pamela Vaull Starr

3 Responses

  1. How about Femara? I take Femara because I had breast cancer and I want to try Fat Flush. Do I need to change anything?

  2. What is doctor O’s full name. Is he Dr Ohiro( Probiotic)(dont know the correct spelling) that was mentioned on the Aware show? Do you have them in your catalogue?

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