The Seasonal Reset Diet for Summer Weight Loss
You want to know the secret of the most successful dieters? The ones who lost the weight quickly and kept it off for years? The ones who gained confidence…who light up a room and exude vitality from a mile away?
Well, the good news is, there’s a simple recipe:
- A diet plan that evolves with your progress and the changing of the seasons.
- A combination of supportive nutrients that “have your back” when you slip up or cheat.
- A community of supporters who understand you and will share their experience and insider tips.
Fat Flush For Life
After years of overwhelming success with the classic Fat Flush Plan, I decided to take things a step further by creating a plan that not only offers seasonal variety, but also takes into account the roots of Chinese medicine by nourishing and detoxifying the organs associated with each season, and supporting the emotions that are closely tied to each organ as well.
These hot summer months we are passing through focus on the heart and small intestine in my Fat Flush For Life plan. If you are troubled by angina, shortness of breath, slow or irregular pulse, numbness or tingling in the left arm or hand, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, belching, gas, heartburn, lethargy after meals, or bad breath, then you are sorely in need of a summer reset!
My summer Fat Flush nourishes the heart by focusing on enzyme-rich fruits loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, folate, and lycopene. Fresh, crunchy vegetables supply detoxifying fiber to the small intestine and do wonders to cool the body on a hot day. A special blend of rose hips and hawthorn berries proves to be a protective and refreshing treat, too.
And, if you’re suffering from exhaustion and physical fatigue during this busy time of year, I’ve got a Bach Flower remedy for that! Plus, advanced detox techniques like dry brushing, earthing, and aromatherapy baths.
Keep It Close To Home
I’m a huge supporter of the local and sustainable food movement and have always gravitated toward a macrobiotic style of eating—I’ve seen the healing power of it as it saved my beloved James’ life! There are so many benefits to practicing a local, seasonal diet.
You get to enjoy foods at their peak of ripeness, flavor, and nutrition. Have you ever tasted the sweetness of a sun-warmed strawberry, fresh out of the garden? Or the burst of flavor from a vine-ripened heirloom tomato? Those are experiences that cannot be topped!
Greenhouse gases from the long-haul transportation of food across North America are reduced by maintaining a local diet, too. Now that’s something we can all feel good about!
Let’s not forget that investing in our local economies provides a huge boost to the quality of life in our communities. If you are fed up (like I am) with Big Agra, vote with your dollars by purchasing food from a local farmer. I have found such comradery this way, and I want you to experience it, too!
What Others Are Saying About Fat Flush For Life
The Townsend Letter For Doctors And Patients
“This diet works, it really does…Like any life change, embarking on The Fat Flush Plan for Life requires a commitment, but this one pays back huge dividends…The Fat Flush Plan for Life is a highly thoughtful, all-inclusive vastly useful guidebook for those who truly want to be slim and healthy year-round.”
Amazon Fan Review
“Being a fan of Fat Flush for some time, I was most eager to read Fat Flush for Life. What I do like about this book is that it brings out the seasonal approach to organ detoxification. Each season being the optimal time for that particular organ to detox. I like the sea veggies added to the recipes for Fat Flush because they are versatile–they may be put in stews, on meats or in salads. It was news for me to read how beneficial they are to our thyroid. In addition, what was really a revelation for me was the relationship between our thyroid and zinc/copper imbalances. The new wellness section mentioning the benefits of oil-pulling for removing toxins from our body was very enlightening! It has greater benefits than tooth brushing or flossing because it pulls bacteria from beneath our gums and the crevices of our teeth. I am now an avid oil-puller! I found the recipes delicious and I loved the variety. The Bach Flower remedies addressing our emotional connections to organ detoxification is another way on my path to wellness and I intend to use them!”
Supplements to Cover Life’s Curveballs
Now, I know that nobody is perfect. Plans change, things come up… life happens! We’ve all been there, on day 2 of a new diet, when something unexpected happens and we are left with two choices: starve, or cheat.
Because I know this predicament all too well, I’ve built a safety feature into my Fat Flush plans. With the Fat Flush Kit, you’ve already got all your bases covered!
Cravings are reduced by a proprietary blend of Oregon grape root, 400 mcg of chromium, and essential fatty acids—the stars of stabilizing blood sugar levels. Oregon grape root contains berberine, which lowers blood insulin levels in newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetics by enhancing insulin sensitivity and reviving the pancreas to improve insulin secretion. Berberine also stimulates the production of brown fat, the body’s most metabolically active fat, so you can supercharge calorie burn.
Detox is enhanced and supported by dandelion root, turmeric, and just the right dose of milk thistle. Many individuals take too much of this herb and mistake a true allergic response for aggressive detox. The dialed-down dose of milk thistle in the Fat Flush Kit prevents the immune system from over reacting.
In addition, 360 mg of Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) from black currant seed oil, and 500 mg of L-carnitine keep your metabolism pumped up. Both of these nutrients mobilize body fat from fat stores, helping to keep your tummy flat and provide ready energy that gets you through your busy day. GLA even protects your skin from embarrassing flare-ups of eczema and psoriasis that can occur from eating off-plan foods to which you are sensitive. And if joint inflammation and stiffness have got you down, don’t grab a sweet treat—reach for GLA to reduce pain and swelling and get you moving once again!
Community Counts
Sometimes, all you need is a friend. Someone to cheer you on, say “Hey you’re doing an amazing job!” or be there when you’ve slipped up to remind you, “You are strong, beautiful, and worth every bit of effort it takes to get back on the wagon!”
The Fat Flush Community is a free-of-charge, supportive and encouraging place to maintain accountability. What started as an online home for journaling and sharing recipes has blossomed into a world-wide network of people looking out for each other.
Here is a place to ask questions if there’s something you don’t quite understand, to share the amazing recipe you just created, or find inspiration for a Fat Flush friendly dinner party. If you’re having a rough day, talk about it! And when someone else is in the same boat, you’ll surprise yourself by offering them encouragement that inspires them, and maybe even hundreds more. This feature rounds out my lifestyle program by reminding us all that we’re not on this journey alone, and together WE CAN!
Take Action, Get Flushing!
So, are you ready to get started? Purchase the Fat Flush For Life Starter Bundle (which includes the 3-part supplement kit and a copy of my book Fat Flush For Life), as a reader of my blog, you can save 10% off with coupon code ALGFAN.
Questions? I’ll see you on the Community!