Your go-to nutritional blueprint.
Anyone who owns any of my books also owns an array of delightful recipes. The dishes in my programs all boast detoxifying healing benefits, and they don’t sacrifice an ounce of flavor. But, sometimes, you find yourself without your cookbook—or the right ingredients on hand—whipping something up on the fly.
These are the times that call for a nutritional blueprint of what you should and shouldn’t combine for optimum digestion and nutrient absorption. Keep this handy list with you and you’ll be prepped a meal your body will love, with or without your recipe repertoire.
The Rules of the Nutrition Road
✓ One protein at a meal. This means no double-protein combos. Have each individual protein food, such as beef, fish, poultry, seafood, or tofu, by itself. No mixtures such as shrimp and scallops or steak and lobster together at one meal. Digestion is impaired, and toxicity results.
✓ Eggs are the exception to the protein rule. They are considered neutral and can be added to the above-mentioned proteins. They go particularly well with dairy products (as in a quiche) and add to the protein value of bean dishes.
✓ Beans are considered a starch and protein and combine well with dairy products and veggies but not with meat, fish, or chicken.
✓ Proteins such as fish, fowl, and beef do not combine well with gluten-rich grain starches (e.g., wheat, rye, oats, and barley). An example of this is a burger on a bun. Proteins do combine well with other friendly carbs, such as a baked potato, a sweet potato, corn, or peas—provided a green leafy salad is included in the meal.
✓ In general, vegetables and fruits should not be eaten together (unless they are broken down through the blending process in juices or in a smoothie).
✓ Milk and meat (e.g., a glass of milk and a steak) shouldn’t be consumed together. Dairy fats, however, such as butter, cream, and sour cream are regarded as fats and do combine with other protein foods (e.g., beef stroganoff).
✓ Flaxseed oil, because of its unique metabolic makeup, combines well with dairy (e.g., cottage cheese or ricotta cheese and yogurt), friendly carbs, and vegetables.
✓ Water should not be taken with meals before food is swallowed. While water is necessary for many metabolic processes, including digestion, saliva activity is weakened when large amounts of water are used to wash down food. Extremely hot or cold water depresses gastric juices and acts as a shock to the system.
Get the Full Benefits
For the full 411 on looking and feeling your best, pick up your copy of The NEW Fat Flush Plan. This program stands apart from Paleo, Primal, Ketogenic and Vegan diets by making the case that diet without detox is doomed to failure thanks to the unprecedented amount of current toxins and hormone disruptors we face every day.
Inside the fully updated NEW Fat Flush Plan you’ll find:
• NEW Three-Day Ultra Fat Flush Tune-Up
• NEW health revelations linking the gallbladder and liver to thyroid health
• NEW hidden weight gain factors
• NEW meals, menus, and shopping lists
• NEW tips for managing insulin, hormone, and stress levels
• NEW slimming, smart fats and sweeteners
• NEW gluten-free tips
Plus, it includes over 75 easy-to-follow family-friendly recipes, and an updated brand name shopping list. Armed with your nutritional blueprint and the diet and detox secrets of Fat Flush, there’s nothing that can block your way to optimum health, healing and wellness.