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The Power of Cranberries

I am always delighted when science comes along to back what ancient healing wisdom has known for centuries.

Recently, the USDA ranked the antixodant power of a variety of commonly consumed fruits. ORAC means oxygen radical absorbance capacity and the higher it is, the more potent the antioxidant power. Interestingly, cranberries ranked the highest of all the fruits studied in November of 2007.

Here’s the ranking which demonstrates the power of red:

Cranberries — 1 cup whole — 9,584 Orac Value
Raspberries 3/4 cups 4,882 Orac Value
Cherries 12 cherries 3,365 Orac Value
Pomeganate Juice 1/2 cup 2,341 Orac Value

No wonder cran-water can create such health miracles: It acidifies the system (yes on a cellular level, acid is good – especially in the gut where an acidi pH protects against bacteria, virus, and parasites), it helps to put a lid on cravings, it protects against UT infections, it balances blood sugar, it strengthens blood vessels and its four organic acids act as emulsifying enzymes for fats stuck in the lymph (something you know as cellulite).

Ideally, the body should be a tad acidic and this is where the cranberry can perform so well. When I evaluate TMAs as well as look under the microscope, I see that calcium starts to stockpile in the tissues (arteries, joints, eyes) ONLY when the system is alkaline. That’s why healthy acids like HCL, apple cider vinegar and probiotics are so helpful. Drs Jarvis, Royal Lee, Bernard Jensen, and my mentor, Hazel Parcells, all believed that cell acidity was a key because like a battery, the body performed best when slightly acid.

There is lots of confusion out there regarding acid/alkaline but when it comes to digestion, the home of the immune system, acids rule 🙂

More on this, I am sure. For now, I will say “good night” from Boston and wish you a peaceful week full of the season’s joy and blessings.

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