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Where’s the Beef?

Happy Mother’s Day!

Besides getting my wonderful mother a mother of pearl necklace and bracelet, I am planning on sending her a freezer full of Calicrate Beef, the very same beef that I serve when we entertain all summer here in Northern Idaho. (We have two seasons: winter and guests!)

Why is this beef different than any other beef, you ask?

Because Callicrate Beef is fed only the highest quality, natural ingredients without animal byproducts, sub-therapeutic antibiotics or snythetic hormones.

The cattle are processed with a proprietary “rinsing and chilling technique” that ensures tenderness and quality, while removing all blood from the meat – kind of a high tech koshering process. The beef is aged to perfection and packed fresh. It cooks 25% less than conventional beef, which makes this a real energy safer.

The meat products are tender, flavorful and oh-so-juicy which makes our beef and buffalo hamburgers a real hit. The company also carries lamb, poultry, pork and wild seafood.

The prices from Mike’s company, Ranch Foods Direct, can’t be beat when I compare them to our local health food stores, coops and even Walmart (that’s another story, however, for another time…)

You can order on the web at ranchfoodsdirect.com or call 1 -866-866-6328 where I have arranged a nice discount for all of my Forum family. Ask for Michael and let me know what you think.

In any case, Mom – I love you; the meat is in the mail 🙂

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