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How to Survive Mold and Mycotoxins – Episode 51: Evan Brand

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Evan Brand

When nutrition pro Evan Brand suddenly came down with mysterious symptoms he couldn’t resolve, he went into action!  Evan had to become his own nutritional detective to track down the source of his unbearable fatigue, vertigo, and lack of appetite. In this compelling interview, Evan and Ann Louise discuss Evan’s personal journey to uncover the source of his mysterious health issues which surprisingly turned out to be mold and the mycotoxins that mold emits.  Evan shares the very best ways to eradicate mold, how to protect yourself from its sneaky mycotoxins, the best supplements to use, and how to mitigate the environment from mold spores.  Evan Brand is a well-respected podcast host as well as a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner.

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