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Mastering The Mineral Metabolism of Magnesium, Copper, and Iron – Episode 122: Morley Robbins

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Morley Robbins

The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) creator, Morley Robbins, is on a mission to learn the fundamental components of a healthy metabolism. The RCP is his culmination of many years of research and is revolutionary in its approach to health from a truly holistic perspective, by looking at the whole organism and how all the elements work together. Join Ann Louise and Morley for a deep dive into the fascinating world of mineral metabolism. They discuss the profound metabolic interplay between 3 KEY minerals: Magnesium, Bioavailable Copper, and Iron, and why focusing on just these key minerals can immeasurably improve your health. Ann Louise and Morley also discuss the difference between Anemia of Iron Deficiency and Anemia of Chronic Disease. They explore the “Magnesium Burn Rate” which is fueled by our constant stress, and what is it about Ceruloplasmin that makes it so important to our immunometabolism system. Robbins is the author of a number of books including “Cu-RE Your Fatigue: The Root Cause and How To Fix It On Your Own.”

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