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  3. The Heavy Metal Menace: Detox Deep Dive – Episode 164: Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

The Heavy Metal Menace: Detox Deep Dive – Episode 164: Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

Episode Overview:

Ann Louise Gittleman Interviews Dr. John Parks Trowbridge

The First Lady of Nutrition welcomes back legendary functional medical expert, Dr. John Parks Trowbridge. Ann Louise and Dr. Trowbridge waste no time discussing the hidden dangers of heavy metal toxicity and its link to chronic diseases. Since the 1940s, our environment has been increasingly contaminated with toxic metals, contributing to widespread health issues. This episode delves into groundbreaking insights into chelation therapy, a non-invasive treatment that has shown remarkable success in patients with diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other chronic ailments.  Discover the most effective detection methods for heavy metal toxicity (hint: it’s not blood tests), the transformative benefits of chelation therapy, including oral and IV methods, and the role of EDTA and DMSA. Learn about the commitment chelation requires, the power of preventive measures, and nutritional strategies to combat toxicity. With a wealth of experience enriched by tutelage under six Nobel laureates and a global telemedicine practice, and success stories like patients removed from heart transplant lists, Dr. Trowbridge brings invaluable insights into overcoming toxic burdens for improved health. Tune in for a discussion filled with hope and practical advice.

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