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Become a Nutrition Educator or Holistic Health Coach

medical studentIs educating others in nutrition or holistic health your dream?

If you are already working as a credentialed medical, allied health, health education, mental health, wellness or fitness professional, join me in taking your passion for health and healing to the next level. I am so excited to tell you about how I can help you do that and about the National Institute of Whole Health.

Established in 1977, the National Institute of Whole Health (NIWH) is the most credentialed integrative health certification program in the country. Finally there is an accredited, evidence-based nutrition program I can stand behind!

Students in the NIWH program learn from world renowned experts and faculty who bridge the gap between traditional medicine and the alternative healing arts through video classes that are streamed online from actual courses conducted at leading medical schools and hospitals.

This program is ideal for holistic-oriented distance learners who want to facilitate lifestyle transformation for themselves and others, increase their scope of healing expertise, and educate others on the philosophy and principles of optimum health. The NIWH Whole Health Education programs focus on the physical, emotional, nutritional, environmental and spiritual aspects of an individual’s lifestyle.

For the health, wellness, fitness, and education professional who is interested in a professionally accredited continuing education certification, NIWH offers the following:

  • Whole Health Educator™ program with wellness coaching skills for allied health professionals who possess the required education, current licensure and certification pre-requisites to be accepted into this program. The pre-requisite guidelines may be found on the Pre-requisite page of this website. VIEW 24 Whole Health Foundation Courses.
  • Whole Health Educator™ for Nurses with health coaching skills and competencies for currently licensed nurse professionals only. VIEW 24 Whole Health Foundation Courses.
  • Whole Health Nutrition Educator™ program is open only to degreed or licensed nutrition, nursing, culinary or clinically trained licensed medical professionals who can utilize nutrition education in their current scope of practice or profession. VIEW 24 Whole Health Foundation Courses.
  • Whole Health Coaching™ includes certification as a Whole Health Educator plus ICF accredited coach training options to become ICF certified as a Coaching professional. For all health, allied health, medical, education, wellness, mental health and fitness professionals. VIEW 24 Whole Health Foundation Courses.

NIWH also offers two condensed certificate of study Whole Health programs. These programs are smaller groupings of professional continuing education courses for the above described licensed and degreed professionals only, who wish to take a less intense course of study in Whole Health and be able to received approved professional continuing education contact hours:

Whole Health and Wellness Certificate of Study Provides 20 outstanding courses in Whole Health, nutrition, exercise, stress reducation, weight loss, metabolic syndrom and digestive health courses, disease prevention course and much more. Learner has up to ten (10) months to complete the 20 courses. Professional, approved continuing education contact hours and professional diploma provided.

Whole Health and Wellness Coaching Certificate of Study – Provides 26 Whole Health health science and coaching skills courses.  Learner has up to twelve (12) months to complete the courses. Professional, approved continuing education contact hours and professional diploma provided.

Special Offer!
I am so sure that you will benefit from this educational opportunity that I have made special arrangements for you to receive $150.00 off your tuition. Please email my office at [email protected] and let me know when you are enrolling, so I can send you the special coupon right away! Please contact NIWH  (www.wholehealtheducation.com) directly for any program related questions or inquiries you may have.

Learn more about how you can use these integrative and cutting-edge programs to reach your personal, professional and educational goals—please click on the above links to visit the NIWH website and take advantage of this incredible opportunity. And, with the holidays approaching, what a great gift for the up-and-coming or health professional in your life!

6 Responses

  1. I am so thrilled to have read this!! I have been struggling with finding information on accredited programs in nutrition. I have wanted to go back to school for nursing, but I really don’t support the mainstream medical field and since I have been a huge fan of Ann Louise for about 20 years, at age 43 I am finally ready to pursue a career that has meaning and that I will be able to educate others. Thanks so much!!

  2. I am currently enrolled in the NIWH Nutrition Educator program. I am a Certified Holistic Nurse, and I am enjoying the course very much! It is lengthy and in depth, but awesome teachers/presenters! I especially enjoyed Dr. Gittlemans course on lipids!

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