Delicious Detox, Slimming Soup!

September 27, 2011
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Award-winning nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author.

Woman's WorldFat Flush Makes Woman’s World Cover Story Again.

The October 3, 2011 Woman’s World is on newsstands now! It features my recipe—the one I exclusively created for Woman’s World readers­­—for a diet soup that helps to beat bloat and toxins while emulsifying fat. The soup’s slimming ingredients include lots of warming and earthy flavor-filled spices like cumin, for example, which helps the digestive system by relieving abdominal distention and gas and helps to alleviate migraines and headaches.

The Fat Flush Diet Soup also contains ample amounts of antioxidant rich veggies as well as lean ground protein (like beef, turkey or chicken) and fiber-filled beans to dramatically reduce appetite while regulating blood sugar and making you feel fuller—faster. The recipe in the magazine, however, does not specify the type of beans. I used black beans during the testing phase. Many of my Facebook fans have used black beans as well and found them to blend really well with the rest of the fat flushing ingredients.

SoupAs one of the best sources of fiber on the planet, beans typically contain anywhere from 11 grams to 17 grams of fiber per serving. That’s a pretty hefty amount for one food group when you consider that the daily recommendation is about 30-35 grams. In terms of fiber, no other food compares to the bountiful bean when it comes to fiber content.  And—because they are complex carbohydrates, beans digest slowly so you get sustained energy. You also get lots of antioxidants, vitamins, and phytochemicals while balancing your cholesterol at the same time.

Plus, beans are antibiotic, hormone, and steroid-free which makes them a really healthy stand-out compared to commercial sources of animal protein.

While your lunch and dinner meals are satisfied by the scrumptious soup with in-between snacks, you do have a choice for breakfast—either eggs or a smoothie.

To get you off to a high-metabolic start and set you up for less hunger throughout the day, I would recommend Fat Flush Body Protein for your smoothies.

body proteinFat Flush Body Protein contains a perfect blend of complete plant-based proteins (non-GMO rice and pea protein, to be exact) which provide a respectable 20 grams of protein compared to just 6 grams of protein in one egg.  Protein triggers the production of the hormone glucagon which releases fat from adipose tissue storage and counters insulin which promotes fat.

Without enough protein, the thyroid is not able to ignite the fuel that transforms food into energy. The adrenals can become exhausted, too.

Here is my personal favorite smoothie recipe to complement the Fat Flush Diet Soup:

Pumpkin Pie Harvest Smoothie

Pumpkin Smoothie

Pumpkin Smoothie

8 ounces of water or cran-water
1 scoop of Fat Flush Body Protein
½ cup unsweetened pumpkin
1 apple
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon flax or chia seeds
1 teaspoon Flora-Key
1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon
Pinch of ground ginger and cloves
3 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients and blend on high speed. Add the ice cubes until thick and creamy. Refrigerate or freeze for later use.

Get the full Fat Flush Diet Soup recipe and meal plan in the October 3, 2011 issue of Woman’s World magazine on newsstands now—but, hurry because the next issue comes out at the end of the week!

Note: For those of you currently following my classic Fat Flush program, please note that this soup recipe would be most appropriate for Pre-flush or Phase 3. The Fat Flush Diet Soup was developed to introduce some basic Fat Flushing principles to a more mainstream audience. For those who are new to the Fat Flush program, I would suggest that you pick up a copy of The Fat Flush Plan for continued weight loss success.

Related Articles and Podcasts

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty books including The Fat Flush Plan series and her latest book, Radical Metabolism. She’s been rewriting the rules of nutrition for more than 40 years and is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of diet, detox and women’s health issues. 

For a FREE daily dose of tips and strategies for maintaining healthy weight, conquering insomnia, and much more…check out my Radical Health Tips.

I’d like to meet and greet you on my Facebook groups, so won’t you check us out at the Radical Metabolism RevolutionFat Flush Nation, or my Inner Circle!


  1. Dena Fernandez

    Would it upset the balance of this soup if you added a few handfuls of spinach? I have noticed my hair thining and know that an iron deficiency can cause that. I also crave red meat all the time, does that indicate I am low on iron?

    Thank you!

  2. hanna gallant

    i have done the 3 day juice detox in the past and worked great to get me back on track if i indulged on the weekend. I did find it hard sometimes and felt a little lightheaded if i exercised. I will give this a try and hopes it works just as well. I do love soup and to be able to lose a few pounds of water weight and debloat while eating food would be fantastic. Can I add salt to this soup? even just a little? I find salt and hot sauce really boosts flavour.

  3. AnnLouise

    Dena – go right ahead and add a few handfuls of spinach! You might also consider taking a Tissue Mineral Analysis test to assess mineral deficiencies or even consider adding hydrochloric acid to your protein-based meals. This supplement helps to digest protein and breakdown iron. I created HCL+2 for these purposes.

  4. AnnLouise

    Dear Hanna – If you feel that the soup needs an extra flavor boost then by all means add 1/4 teaspoon salt to the recipe.

  5. Dawn Messore

    Can I use quinoa for protein instead of meat? I am a vegetarian.

  6. administrator

    Hi Dawn: I would simply omit the meat and increase the beans with another 1/2 can of black, navey, or pinto beans.

  7. Viola

    The soup does not look like it will give me 15 cups. Was I supposed to add water? I used 32 oz. tomato juice.

  8. administrator

    You can add water so that you will have the 15 cups.

  9. Viola

    How much water would you recommend? I followed the recipe in Woman’s World to the t.

  10. Michelle

    I’m allergic to all types of legumes, soy, and nuts..Is there anything else I could use in my soup?

  11. Donna

    I doubled the recipe and it doesn’t give me 32 cups. I don’t have a problem with that, just need to know if I did something wrong. Doubling the recipe only lasts me 3+ days. And, is 3 cups serving size right? I felt light headed when exercising so I thought I would try the Greek Yogurt Smoothie for breakfast instead, thinking it would give me the carbs I need to maintain my workout. I was thinking just to eat the yogurt and fruit instead of making a smoothie. But, again, the serving size sounds huge … is this right 1 1/2 cups of yogurt and 1 1/2 cups of fruit? Thanks!!

  12. Beth

    Ok, all this hype – and no recipe. 🙁 Is it printed somewhere I missed?

  13. Cherl

    Oooohhhh, sounds so good! Looking forward to the Pumpkin Smoothie too : )
    Thanks ALG!

  14. administrator

    Michelle: You can simply omit the beans.
    Donna: Since the recipe was tested by the Woman’s World test kitchen, we would imagine that you could simple add about 2 cups of water to extend the soup base for more cups. The smoothie presented in the magazine was developed by Woman’s World. We would suggest some type of protein powder used for extended energy and sustainability.
    Beth: Since the magazine is still on the newsstands, we do not want to compete with the magazine until it is off the stands. We will print the recipe within a few weeks. Thank you for your understanding. Woman’s World was kind enough to publish the recipe. We want to be respectful of the magazine.
    Cheri: The soup is quite delicious and filling and we love the Smoothie, too.

    Thanks, ladies for all your comments.

  15. Mari

    Like Beth, I cannot find the recipe?? I clicked on the link and searched. It would be very helpful to have it printed somewhere.

  16. Colleen

    Help!! I want the recipe to this soup but cannot find it anywhere. Please send me the recipe

  17. Colleen

    Help me please find the recipe for this soup. Thank you,

    • AnnLouise

      Please see comment above…the recipe is available in the magazine!

  18. administrator

    Since the magazine is still on the newsstands, we do not want to compete with the magazine until it is off the stands. We will print the recipe within a few weeks. Thank you for your understanding. Woman’s World was kind enough to publish the recipe. We want to be respectful of the magazine and be supportive of Woman’s World.

  19. michele

    The soup is delicious I am actually eatting it right now! I am having trouble finishing a whole 3 cup serving I’m already full and have a little more than a cup left. Do you absolutely have to finish the whole serving for it to be effective?

  20. administrator

    So glad, Michele — I know the serving of 3 cups is hefty for some…so just enjoy what you can!

  21. Natalie

    How long should you be on this diet? After the timing of this diet what do you recommend doing next?

    Also looking at some of info on from your other books you recommend to drink cranberry juice. Do you recommend that along with this diet?

  22. jen

    Where is the recipe? I don’t see it?

  23. administrator

    Natalie – We think that one to two weeks on the Soup and then transition to classic Fat Flush….You may wish to keep the cran-water component for the full fledged Fat Flush of which the Soup is just a delicious preview:)

  24. administrator

    Recipe is in the October 3, 2011 issue of Woman’s World!

  25. alana

    Hi all. I want to try the 3 day soup flush . Do you think i will see results within 3 days or do u believe i have to stay on the soup diet for a full week to see the results ? thank you

  26. Betty

    What kind of beans should I use?


  27. renee

    In gunna try this tommorow! Gunna try black beans

  28. Mia

    Fat Flush book states that eating beans and meet is not good combination food to eat together but now this soup has those two ingredients together???

  29. Liz Brown

    CanI buy Woman’s World in the UK?
    I would like to try the soup recipe .I Like the Fat Flush smoothie.
    Here in the UK I can only buy whey protein for my smoothie
    I live 6 months in US so usually buy enough Fat Flush Products to last me
    I really love your products
    Regards Liz

  30. administrator

    Thanks, Liz…Please look for Woman’s World on the newsstands. We don’t know if it is available in the UK but we will be posting the recipe in a few weeks when the October issue is no longer available here in the States.

    Black beans, pinto, or navy beans would be great bean choices.

    With regard to the combination of beans and beef, phase 3 of Fat Flush plan regarding food combining is designed for advanced Fat Flushers. The soup is a mainstream intro to the basic concepts.

  31. Mari

    In the future it would be helpful to have this recipe on line for those of us who cannot purchase the magazine. As a loyal consumer of your products, and one who uses the smoothie on a regular basis, this is frustrating to me.

  32. Gwen

    What kind of chicken to use? Can you use fresh chicken, cook it and then shred it or is there a brand out there already shredded that you can use? Help. Would like to start this Sunday.

  33. Gwen

    I bought the magazine last week! I’m not too particularly fond of eggs, but I’ll eat them. Can you have boiled eggs instead? Not fond of smoothies either?

  34. administrator

    Mari: We are honoring Woman’s World’s request that we do not publish the magazine’s exclusive recipe until the issue is off the stands . Thank you for your understanding. We will be publishing the recipe shortly

    With regard to chicken, white chicken breast would be fine at the same amounts as the meat. You could cook it and then shred it — sounds wonderful. I would choose an organic brand from the health food store – if possible 🙂

    Gwen — you can have hard cooked eggs for breakfasts, sure thing.

  35. vicki

    got the magazine. I do not like cilantro – can I double the parsley or can you recommend something else?

  36. administrator

    Double the parsely, Vicki – not a problem.

  37. gwen

    what kind of weight loss should i expect 217 lbs. also throid issues. do u have to exercise?

  38. Celia

    By the time I saw your newsletter, and got to the store yesterday to buy Woman’s World, they had already replaced it with the October 10th edition. I asked at the store if they had any of the October 3rd issues, but they use an outside vendor, and they apparently take all the “old” issues with them when the replace with the new. I’m kind of frustrated because I ALWAYS buy Women’s World, but was out of town this past weekend, and didn’t think of it until doing my grocery shopping, and by then it was too late. Wouldn’t you know they were early replacing them this week? I hope you will print the soup recipe sooner rather than later, because I really am hyped to try it.
    Thank you!

  39. administrator

    Hello: The weight loss results can be very individual but generally the more you have to lose, the faster it seems to come off. So, we wish you lots of good luck with the program Gwen. A twenty minute walk each day would only augment your success.

    So sorry to hear that you couldn’t find the October 3, 2011 issue, Celia. We will be posting the recipe within the next week.

  40. Vicki

    I am making my second batch tonight. I too didn’t get enough from the original recipe. I think it cooks down while simmering. However, I am satisfied with 2 cups instead of three and it is good to know that you can add water to dilute it. The only trouble is, no store here carries 32 oz of vegetable juice. I had to open a larger bottle and measure and had about 2 cups left over.

    if you can’t find the magazine on the newstand, try the library.

  41. Myra

    Which veggies and fruits are rich in bloat-busting water and slimming nutrients like vitamin C? Also the diet calls for 1 serving of soup for lunch and dinner. Woman’s World recipe has 1 serving = 3 cups is that correct? If correct i eat 3 cups for lunch and 3 cups for dinner!

  42. Irma

    can we eat the soup with crackers or something else? and what can we drink throughout the day besides water?

  43. administrator

    Myra — Veggies like yellow squash, tomatoes, celery, carrot sticks, and cucumbers would work are wonderful additions to the Fat Flush Diet Soup during the day. With regard to fruits, if you are using 1 1’/2 cups of berries in the AM smoothie than we would suggest you could choose from another fruit serving like 1 apple, 1 pear, 12 cherries, or 1 orange. The serving size is 3 cups, according to Woman’s World, although some of the liquid evaporates during simmering.

    Ima – You can eat the above veggies with the soup and in terms of liquids and you can spike up the water with a twist of lemon or lime juice.

  44. Joy

    I saw the recipe in the magazine this weekend. I had no idea that the soup is built around an entire plan. I’ll look for you books today. I am eager to begin the system. I am 5’4 and weigh 248. Yikes! I love this forum. It’s both encouraging and informative.

  45. Venus B

    I used dark kidney beans. Will I still see results? Made the soup last nite, very delicious! !!

  46. administrator

    The kidney beans are excellent — Way to go, ladies!!!!

  47. Celeste

    can I use tomatoes with green chili’s instead of crushed tomatoes.

  48. administrator

    Celeste — Yes, you can definitely use tomatoes with green chilis to heat things up a bit 🙂

  49. Myra

    I made the soup today is was very easy and not that expensive! I only ate 3 cups because i made it around 3pm so i had it for dinner. I used 93% lean turkey meat, 15oz organic black beans(couldnt find 14oz) no salt dice tomatoes, and white mushrooms plus all the other ingredients the recipe called for. I was very full. I feel like i put on weight instead of I didn’t get chance to walk today because of storms here in NC. I have been walking 30 to 45mins everyday. I really pray this works because i seem to be at a stand still with weight loss!

  50. Ty

    I missed the Oct 3 issue for your detox soup.Hoping to see a print out Thanks


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