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Why You Need the RIGHT Seed Oils

Blog: Why You Need the RIGHT Seed Oils
Seed oils from the Omega 6 essential fatty acid family have become Public Health Enemy #1 these days. They’re at the center of diet-related debates due to their presumed negative health impacts–from claims that they cause inflammation to allegations that all seed oils are toxic. But are these concerns justified? I think not!

As an industry pioneer and author of more than 35 nutrition-based books, I have long noted the unique properties of both quality and forbidden Omega-6 oils and fats. Understanding them is vital to leading a healthy lifestyle. Let’s take a closer look at why many seed oils do not deserve the negative press they’re getting these days.

Why Do Seed Oils Get a Bad Rap?

Our modern diet, in which omega-6 fatty acids rule at a ratio of 20 to 1, creates serious imbalances on the cellular level because commercial seed oils are mostly rancid and biologically impaired due to modern day processing techniques.
As I wrote in my book Radical Metabolism, not only do most people in the U.S. consume far too many omega-6 fats, they’re consuming large quantities of the toxic variety – which is completely different from the health-supporting omega-6 fats present in fresh whole foods. Americans are far too reliant on processed foods, which are simply loaded with overheated, ultra-refined oils. Almost the instant you eat them, your body inserts these chemically adulterated fats into your cell membranes. The toxic variety of omega-6s are indeed pro-inflammatory and deliver none of the health benefits of real omega-6s.

Understanding Seed Oils

Any discussion of seed oils would be incomplete without discussing linoleic acid. This is an essential omega-6 fatty acid, critical for various functions including inflammation control, an increased immunity, blood pressure regulation, and blood clotting. Our bodies cannot produce this essential fatty acid on its own, so we must get it from food sources.
The issue with linoleic acid is as follows:

Unadulterated and unrefined seed oils contain the GLA raw material, cis-linoleic acid, which the body converts to useful GLA (gamma linoleic acid). GLA, in turn, produces the eicosanoid E1 (known as PGE1) and, to a lesser degree, PGE2. When the cis-linoleic acid is heated, refined or adulterated with chemicals, it interferes with the transformation of GLA into eicosanoids. Without the ability to transform into eicosanoids, the essential fatty acids are biologically worthless.

There are several other factors that hamper eicosanoid production by blocking the enzyme (Delta-6 desaturase) that transforms GLA into useable and functional eicosanoids. These enzymatic co-factors include such vitamins as B-3, B-6, and C as well as the minerals magnesium and zinc. Aging, alcohol, and high blood sugar similarly work to hamper eicosanoid production.

Seed Oils in a Healthy Diet

So now that we understand that it is essential to consider the quality of seed oils within the context of a healthy diet, we can take note of how they can best be utilized. When purchased as organic and expeller pressed, it is fine to add small amounts of any seed oil to salads or to drizzle on veggies.

Good-for-You Seed Oils: Allies Not Foes

Here are some examples of quality seed oils that provide numerous health advantages when used properly.
  • Hemp Seed Oil features essential fats that can improve skin health, decrease joint pain and support weight loss.
  • Flaxseed Oil offers omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber and lignans which have cancer fighting capabilities as well as supporting cardiovascular wellbeing.
  • Walnut Oil provides both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids which promote heart health while simultaneously decreasing inflammation.
  • Black Seed Oil contains thymoquinone (TQ), a potent phytochemical known for its anti-inflammatory effects, as well as for its antioxidant, antihistamine, antimicrobial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Macadamia Oil has an extremely high oleic acid content, which helps to balance cholesterol levels and reduce triglycerides. Both the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids this oil contains are perfectly balanced which makes it an optimal cooking choice.
  • Siberian Pine Nut Oil is rich in healthy Omega-6 fats and is revered for a number of healing properties. It’s famous for its gut-healing effects, is an appetite-suppressant, a powerful antioxidant, and has been shown to lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels.

Having Trouble Digesting Fats?

You’re not alone. Your liver and gallbladder were both designed to digest these lipids; however, your liver may be working overtime in processing excess toxins – both environmental and pharmaceutical. In either instance, your liver may need assistance eliminating toxic waste.
An estimated 20-25 million Americans suffer from gallbladder disease and about half a million people undergo gallbladder removal surgery each year, with an alarming trend towards younger cases. Without your gallbladder present, digesting fats can become increasingly challenging. If this is the case for you, it’s crucial that you provide your body with all of the support it needs in order to do its job optimally.

The Key to Processing All Oils and Fats

The liver is the key organ for fat metabolism and keeping it healthy is Job #1. And if you no longer have a gallbladder, have trouble digesting fats, or suffer from Fatty Liver disease, then you really must supplement with the proper nutrients. Here are my top 3 tips for processing fats:
Care for Your Liver with My Liver Lovin’ Formula. I chose the three key components of my Liver Lovin’ Formula—artichoke, chlorophyll, and taurine—because they are superb liver support supplements. This liver-boosting supplement provides the ideal cleansing boost to keep the liver running smoothly and promote natural liver detox. Purifying chlorophyll and artichoke aid phase 1 and phase 2 detox pathways while taurine—the most deficient amino acid in the diet—helps bile to excrete chemicals detoxed by the liver.
GLA (gamma linoleic acid) is found naturally in seed oils, such as borage, evening primrose, and black currant seed oils. This essential acid can be your best friend in weight loss as it triggers fat burning instead of fat storage. GLA is found naturally in seed oils like borage, evening primrose oil, and black currant seed oil. Supplementing with these oils provides GLA in a usable form, enabling the body to bypass the conversion process and get down to the business of burning excess fat. You can find this must-have gamma linoleic acid HERE.
Sidestep Fat Digestion Issues with Bile Builder. For those with fat digestion issues, I have developed the ideal support, Bile Builder, that contains 6 key ingredients – Choline, Taurine, Pancreatic Lipase, Ox Bile, Collinsonia root (stone root) and beet root. These ingredients work synergistically to help your body produce, thin out, and move bile efficiently for optimum gallbladder and liver support. NOTE: a must-have for those without a gallbladder!
P.S. If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, then I’ve written a guide just for you. This easy-to-read download will help you identify where your body needs additional support to maintain adequate bile flow and digest and absorb healthy fats effectively. Find it at this link: Restore Your Gallbladder e-Book.

Bottom Line

Seed oils aren’t inherently harmful and, in fact, play an essential role in a healthy diet. Before completely dismissing seed oils as bad choices, carefully consider all of their potential contributions to a healthy eating plan and learn to identify the “good” functional seed oils. Balance and moderation–and steering clear of overly processed and refined foods–are your keys to making healthful choices about which fats you include in your diet. Lastly, remember that if you have difficulty digesting fats or are one of the millions of Americans who have had their gallbladder removed, you must supplement with the proper nutrients.


Whelan J, Fritsche K. Linoleic acid. Adv Nutr. 2013 May 1;4(3):311-2. doi: 10.3945/an.113.003772. PMID: 23674797; PMCID: PMC3650500.

Farvid MS, Ding M, Pan A, Sun Q, Chiuve SE, Steffen LM, Willett WC and Hu FB (2014) published “Dietary Linoleic Acid and Coronary Heart Disease Risk: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis from Prospective Cohort Studies.” Circulation 130 (18) 1568-1578 DOI 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.114.010236 Epub August 26 PMID 25161045 PMCID 4334131

“No need to avoid healthy omega-6 fats.” Harvard Health Publishing. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/no-need-to-avoid-healthy-omega-6-fats (accessed May 31, 2024)
Harris W. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids: partners in prevention. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2010 Mar;13(2):125-9. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e3283357242. PMID: 20145438.
Unalp-Arida A, Ruhl CE. Increasing gallstone disease prevalence and associations with gallbladder and biliary tract mortality in the US. Hepatology. 2023 Jun 1;77(6):1882-1895. doi: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000264. Epub 2023 Jan 13. PMID: 36631004.

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