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Beyond Paleo

Beyond PaleoIs a Primal Diet Prescription for You?

One of the most common questions I’m asked these days is about my take on the Paleo diet.

Here are some reflections I received recently from a devoted five-year dieting fan who is following a program that she regards as “Beyond Paleo.”

“In search of the perfect dietary plan, I have scoured blogs and text books, consulted friends and family, and even watched full length TV commercials.

Many are so far off base that it is downright comical.  Some come close, but lack key principles.

One, however, has won me over permanently. I am a Fat Flusher—have been for years now.  Once I started, I could never look back.

The Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman has changed my life, and is the only program that I recommend to friends, family and clients alike.

Programs that ship you monthly stocks of frozen microwavable meals fail to address nutrient density, food sensitivities, and the danger of chemical additives/preservatives…just to name a few inadequacies.

Low fat diets can make our hair fall out, skin wrinkle, and even impair our fertility.

Traditional low carb diets come closer to the mark by eliminating a number of food groups, but fall tragically short by substituting harmful artificial counterparts like diet soda, yogurt sweetened with aspartame, and low carb bread.

—Enter Paleo Diet—

If you haven’t heard of Paleo, you probably haven’t been to a supermarket, logged into Facebook, or even walked past a fitness center in the last 3 years.

And if that is the case, you probably live like my parents do in the wilds of Montana, which is consequently about as Paleo as you can get in this day and age.

An Almost, But Not Quite?

The Paleo Diet is what I like to call ‘an almost, but not quite.’

Gluten and dairy sensitivities are addressed, but some common allergens like coconut and tree nuts are relied on heavily.

Carbohydrates are very limited, which is all well and good for short term weight loss, but on a long term basis can lead to lack of energy, feelings of deprivation, and blood sugar abnormalities.

With a strong emphasis on protein intake, many Paleo dieters neglect to fill up on plant fibers and may experience digestive problems as minimal as constipation and as serious as diverticulitis and prolapsed colon.

What’s Missing…

All things considered, the number one nutritional concern that the Paleo diet does not address is elimination of toxins.

Fat Flush detoxifies.  Fat Flush alkalizes.  Fat Flush addresses all common food sensitivities.  Fat Flush provides clean-burning carb energy appropriate for where you are at in your weight loss journey.

Fat Flush improves and helps regulate your digestion and elimination.  Fat Flush is easily sustainable and healthy for a lifetime.

When I discovered Ann Louise Gittleman’s  Fat Flush Plan I read the book cover to cover without putting it down.  In her years of close work with her clients, Ann Louise has uncovered hidden weight gain factors that have never been addressed by any other dietary plan.

A More Realistic Approach for Today

The world we live in today is increasingly toxic.

Environmental pollution directly contaminates our bodies and our food supply, and endocrine disrupting chemicals are prevalent in every aspect of our lives.

Our amazing livers are working harder than ever before to protect us, and because of that some of the regular tasks the liver performs may fall by the wayside. Fat Flush helps improve liver function and eliminate toxins—crucial components for safe and long-lasting weight loss results.

Paleo dieters may be at risk here, as eating larger servings of lean protein without focused liver cleansing can impair digestion and place a large burden on the kidneys and pancreas.

The inclusion of a variety of chlorophyll rich green foods in the Fat Flush Plan help to purify the blood, and daily dandelion root tea helps detoxify the liver.

A non-denatured whey protein of the highest quality and purity provides ample glutathione—a key antioxidant that repairs cell damage, aids in enzyme activation and amino acid transport to maximize liver function.

The intentional exclusion of commonly reactive foods makes Fat Flush unique as well.

Many of us are silently suffering from food sensitivities that cause systemic inflammation, deplete our energy, and cause embarrassing  and uncomfortable digestive problems.

Ann Louise has created a fool-proof set of guidelines for eliminating allergens and slowly reintegrating foods in question to ensure complete tolerance.  This level of customization is something you will never find in a Paleo diet.

One common complaint among those following the Paleo Diet is sluggish, uncomfortable digestion.

This is partly due to a preference of meat over vegetables, but also is influenced by our age and pH.  As we age, we naturally produce less hydrochloric acid, which is our stomach’s primary means of digesting protein.

Ironically, age coupled with a lifetime of eating refined sugar creates an acidic environment in the rest of our bodily tissues—a condition that makes it impossible for our cells to perform optimally.

The Paleo diet only refers to plant-based foods as an afterthought, an unfavorable attribute in a diet that has potential to create extreme acidity problems.

A Thoughtful Plan

Fat Flush incorporates careful combinations of fruits, vegetables, and special juices to restore proper pH in the body.

Hot lemon water each morning helps to alkalize the body, along with a pure cranberry tonic that is rich in polyphenols and bioflavonoids.

Digestion and elimination are addressed in part by a twice daily beverage called ‘Long Life Cocktail’ that combines ground flaxseed with pure unsweetened cranberry juice and water.

Fat Flush is the most thoughtful dietary plan that I have ever encountered.  I continually research nutrition, but nothing stacks up.  All the concepts are explained eloquently and are easy to follow.

I lost 12 pounds during my first two weeks of Fat Flushing, but I think it is more impressive that I have maintained my goal weight for 4 years and my health just seems to improve every day.

Thousands of Fat Flushers will agree—we are hooked for life!”

-S.H., Montana


Please share your own comments and thoughts below… Are you low carb? Paleo or Fat Flush?


For the latest in the Fat Flush Series, check out Fat Flush for Life>>

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