Fat Flush Makes Woman’s World Cover Story Again.
The October 3, 2011 Woman’s World is on newsstands now! It features my recipe—the one I exclusively created for Woman’s World readers—for a diet soup that helps to beat bloat and toxins while emulsifying fat. The soup’s slimming ingredients include lots of warming and earthy flavor-filled spices like cumin, for example, which helps the digestive system by relieving abdominal distention and gas and helps to alleviate migraines and headaches.
The Fat Flush Diet Soup also contains ample amounts of antioxidant rich veggies as well as lean ground protein (like beef, turkey or chicken) and fiber-filled beans to dramatically reduce appetite while regulating blood sugar and making you feel fuller—faster. The recipe in the magazine, however, does not specify the type of beans. I used black beans during the testing phase. Many of my Facebook fans have used black beans as well and found them to blend really well with the rest of the fat flushing ingredients.
As one of the best sources of fiber on the planet, beans typically contain anywhere from 11 grams to 17 grams of fiber per serving. That’s a pretty hefty amount for one food group when you consider that the daily recommendation is about 30-35 grams. In terms of fiber, no other food compares to the bountiful bean when it comes to fiber content. And—because they are complex carbohydrates, beans digest slowly so you get sustained energy. You also get lots of antioxidants, vitamins, and phytochemicals while balancing your cholesterol at the same time.
Plus, beans are antibiotic, hormone, and steroid-free which makes them a really healthy stand-out compared to commercial sources of animal protein.
While your lunch and dinner meals are satisfied by the scrumptious soup with in-between snacks, you do have a choice for breakfast—either eggs or a smoothie.
To get you off to a high-metabolic start and set you up for less hunger throughout the day, I would recommend Fat Flush Body Protein for your smoothies.
Fat Flush Body Protein contains a perfect blend of complete plant-based proteins (non-GMO rice and pea protein, to be exact) which provide a respectable 20 grams of protein compared to just 6 grams of protein in one egg. Protein triggers the production of the hormone glucagon which releases fat from adipose tissue storage and counters insulin which promotes fat.
Without enough protein, the thyroid is not able to ignite the fuel that transforms food into energy. The adrenals can become exhausted, too.
Here is my personal favorite smoothie recipe to complement the Fat Flush Diet Soup:
Pumpkin Pie Harvest Smoothie
8 ounces of water or cran-water
1 scoop of Fat Flush Body Protein
½ cup unsweetened pumpkin
1 apple
1 tablespoon flaxseed oil
1 tablespoon flax or chia seeds
1 teaspoon Flora-Key
1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon
Pinch of ground ginger and cloves
3 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients and blend on high speed. Add the ice cubes until thick and creamy. Refrigerate or freeze for later use.
Get the full Fat Flush Diet Soup recipe and meal plan in the October 3, 2011 issue of Woman’s World magazine on newsstands now—but, hurry because the next issue comes out at the end of the week!
Note: For those of you currently following my classic Fat Flush program, please note that this soup recipe would be most appropriate for Pre-flush or Phase 3. The Fat Flush Diet Soup was developed to introduce some basic Fat Flushing principles to a more mainstream audience. For those who are new to the Fat Flush program, I would suggest that you pick up a copy of The Fat Flush Plan for continued weight loss success.