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Easy Peasy Green Healing

Get your vital veggies the easy way.

Greens are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and other disease-fighting phytonutrients. As a superfood (and Fat Flush staple), they also help build a resilient immune system, nourish and cleanse your blood, and build strong bones, teeth, hair, and nails.

Since so many of us cannot get in all of our daily green veggies on the go, powdered supergreens are an excellent way to enjoy more green vegetables in your diet. Many green powders have appeared on the market, but they’re not all created equal in terms of quality and purity. From a clean source, however, a green powder can really kick up your nutritional intake several notches—tossing a scoop into your morning smoothie can skyrocket your energy level for the entire day.

The Correct Combination

Green powders are only as powerful as the individual vegetables they contain, and each veggie has its own complement of nutrients and therefore its own unique set of benefits. I have my favorites, of course—take barley grass, for example. Barley grass repairs DNA twice as fast chlorophyll, protects you from free-radical damage, and can boost your brain power—in addition to providing many other health benefits.

Broccoli is another superstar veggie, and broccoli sprouts are like broccoli on steroids! Broccoli sprouts fight H. pylori bacteria to prevent and heal ulcers, optimize lipids and blood pressure, reduce insulin resistance, and assist with DNA repair. They’re a rich source of sulforaphane, a cancer-preventative compound. This small molecule enters human cells with ease, behaving as a “signaling molecule” to communicate with other cells. Potentially affecting more than 2,000 genes and activating multiple defense mechanisms, sulforaphane allows your body to reprogram its DNA into peak performance.

Another of my favorite greens is chlorella, which supports your immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems, as well as helping with detoxification. It’s high in beta-carotene, vitamin D, and gamma-linolenic acid and provides the nine essential amino acids.

One veggie you will seldom find in green powders is celery, but it’s an underappreciated addition! As a formulator and spokesperson for Uni Key Health Systems, Inc., I insisted that celery be added to the greens blend because it’s a naturally rich source of bioavailable vegetable sodium. This type of sodium acts like an adaptogen and blood pressure stabilizer. Celery protects the digestive tract and liver and helps heal stomach ulcers. It’s also a crucial nutrient for tired adrenal glands, helping you cope more effectively with mental, emotional, and physiological stress.

Bitter Is Better

Don’t forget about bitter greens—the more you can squeeze into your daily diet the better, so look for a green powder that has some in the mix. Bitter greens such as dandelion, arugula, kale, and collards help build your bile and turn your liver into a fat-burning and cleansing machine. Superrich in magnesium, kale and collards help reduce blood pressure and soothe anxiety. Collards support immune regulation and have antibacterial and antiviral properties to boot. My other favorite supergreens include alfalfa grass, wheat grass, oat grass, parsley, and spinach. Wheat grass, by the way, is generally considered gluten-free and can be tolerated by the gluten sensitive.

A Word of Caution

Green powders can be heavily contaminated. Just as they concentrate nutrients, if they are not made from clean sources, they can concentrate toxins, including heavy metals. This is especially true of sea vegetables, which can be repositories of not only heavy metals but radiation residues. (That’s why for UNI KEY’s Daily Greens I chose chlorella that was specially grown under monitored conditions.)

Research shows that greens can support detoxification—but of course this isn’t possible if your greens are full of toxins themselves. In 2013, ConsumerLab performed testing on 11 different “greens” and “wholefoods” products, finding five contaminated with lead, arsenic, and bacteria. So, you must choose your green powder wisely.

My Personal Pick

As I bet you’ve gathered, my favorite greens are UNI KEY’s Daily Greens—a product that I helped formulate. Here’s the full “scoop” on this organic, non-GMO mix.

Alfalfa Grass – Anti-inflammatory; chlorophyll rich to purify and oxygenate blood; protein dense for satiety, blood sugar balance, and muscle fortification
Wheat Grass – Contains SOD as antioxidant and liver support, full spectrum of B vitamins, lots of A and C for adrenal health and immune support and every mineral known to man; helps remove heavy metals
Barley Grass – Sodium rich to help produce HCL and support adrenals; contains anti-inflammatory enzymes; gut bacteria friendly and helpful in treating ulcerative colitis; antioxidant rich to protect against radiation
Kale – Magnesium rich to reduce blood pressure and soothe anxiety; fiber rich for improved elimination
Parsley – Flushes excess fluid; volatile oils and flavonoids protect against carcinogens; helps lower homocysteine to protect the cardiovascular system
Chlorella – Hydroponically grown to prevent contamination; removes heavy metals; helps eliminate mold in the body; promotes growth and repair of tissues; pH balancing
Oat Grass – Mineral and vitamin rich; potent detoxifier; speeds wound healing
Collards – Immune modulator, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties by potentating Interferon-gamma receptors
Spinach – Contains Glycoglycerolipids to help protect the lining of the digestive tract from damage, especially damage related to unwanted inflammation and neoxanthin and violaxanthin — two anti-cancer epoxyxanthophylls that are found in plentiful amounts in the leaves of spinach
Celery – Mineral rich; protects the digestive tract and liver; heals stomach ulcers; phthalides manage blood pressure by reducing excess fluid and relaxing smooth muscle
Broccoli Sprouts – Fights H. pylori bacteria to prevent and heal ulcers; helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure

Add a scoop to your daily smoothies with a low-sugar berry, like blueberries. I also recommend mixing it with purified water for a serious energy boost!

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