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Personalize Your Nutrition Plan – Take the Quiz to Find Yours Now!

Weight Loss Quiz Woman

Have you ever wondered what your body really needs from your diet to lose weight and feel great?

We’ve all had times we wanted to lose weight and feel better, but it can be hard to know where to start with all the conflicting nutrition information that’s out there. And the number one question I get is, “Which plan is right for me, Fat Flush or Radical Metabolism?” In fact, I’ve been getting that question so often that I’ve created a new, detailed, personalized quiz just for you on my website to help you find your nutrition type.

You might be surprised at how many factors go into finding the right nutrition plan for your unique body. We all have different needs based on what we’ve been through or been exposed to throughout our lives. My team and I put a lot of time and consideration into creating this quiz, evaluating all of the roadblocks we commonly face on our paths to health. Let’s take a deeper look now at those issues, and once you’ve taken the quiz, come back and read this again.

How Your Age and Sex Affect Your Weight Loss and Nutritional Needs

We have this stereotype that men lose weight faster than women, but is it really true? Watching shows like “The Biggest Loser” where the men drop huge numbers on the scale each week certainly makes that look like the case. But the truth is, while men may have the slight edge, it has less to do with your sex and more to do with your lean muscle mass.

Muscle is one of the 3 key metabolically active tissues in your body. Just one pound of this energy-burning powerhouse burns 50 calories per day, as compared to a pound of fat tissue that only burns 2 calories per day. The greater your muscle mass, the more energy you’ll burn and the less fat you’ll store. Muscle is responsible for the snowball effect of weight loss – the leaner you become, the easier it is to keep the weight off. And my Fat Flush Plan can help you with this!

It’s easy to see how every pound of lean muscle mass you have is so important to firing up your metabolism to lose weight. Since men tend to have a somewhat higher percentage of muscle mass, they do have an easier time initially losing weight, but when men and women have a similar percentage of muscle mass the weight loss evens out. At that point you’ll even burn calories sitting still!

Age also plays a role in your muscle mass and ability to lose weight. The older you get, the more likely you are to lose muscle mass over time. There are a few key reasons for this.

As you age, your stomach acid levels decline – especially if you’ve taken acid reducing medicines for any length of time without getting to the root cause of your digestive woes. Once your stomach acid is low, you have trouble digesting the protein you need to build strong muscles, as well as important nutrients like iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B12, and more.

If you see your muscles shrink as you age or put on fat, this is a sure sign of inadequate stomach acid, and you’ll need to supplement to get your digestion back on track. I recommend UNI KEY Health’s HCL+2 before every meal. Start with one pill and gradually increase your dose until you feel a slight warmth in your stomach. If you feel burning then decrease your dose until you feel comfortable.

What Do Digestive Issues and Gallbladder Surgery Have to Do With Weight Loss and Health?

If you experience fatigue, bloating, or other digestive discomforts after a high fat meal, chances are your gallbladder is trying to tell you something. This unsung hero of your fat metabolism is working hard behind the scenes to help you lose weight and detox, but gallbladder disease is just about at epidemic proportions, so your fat digestion may be suffering as a result. If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, then you may be facing a different set of woes including cramping and diarrhea.

Your liver and gallbladder work together to detox and cleanse your body and feed your metabolism, all the way to the cellular level. Your liver makes bile and your gallbladder controls its flow into the small intestine, where fats are broken down for absorption.

When things go wrong, the first thing that happens is that the liver becomes congested and bogs down. It starts storing fats and toxins rather than processing them, and the end result is you feel fatigued and gain fat. Next, the bile gets sludgy and thick in the gallbladder, which restricts healthy flow and allows stones to form – the number one cause of gallbladder pain and surgery.

It isn’t long before you’re constipated, with acid reflux, digestive disorders, food sensitivities, depression that seems to come from nowhere, energy levels plummet while your weight soars, hormones become imbalanced, and your thyroid crashes. Isn’t it amazing how much is affected by your gallbladder and digestion?

The good news is you can get it all moving in the right direction with my Radical Metabolism plan, bitter foods, and UNI KEY Health’s Bile Builder supplement. The number one nutrient to boost your fat metabolism, build better bile, and help melt away cellulite is choline, which is in Bile Builder.

Can I Lose Weight and Be Healthy If I Don’t Cook?

I understand that not everyone loves to spend all day cooking, and that’s OK. You can still lose weight and feel great with two smoothies and one satisfying meal each day. If you are looking to lose up to 20 pounds in 2 weeks – the healthy way – then my Smoothie Shakedown plan is perfect for you!

Built into the plan is the flexibility to decide when you want to eat your meal. If you’re a breakfast person, then enjoy a big shakedown-friendly breakfast. If you start your day busy and want to catch up with friends and family over dinner, then sit down and enjoy a satisfying entree. You can do all your meal and smoothie prep for the week, then just blend and go during the busy times.

Whether you want to lose a lot of weight or focus solely on improving your health, if you like cooking or just want something quick and easy, and if you have other health issues or just can’t seem to lose weight, I have a plan that will suit your nutrition and lifestyle needs. Take the quiz now, and join me on Facebook in my Fat Flush Nation or Radical Metabolism Revolution group and share your results!


5 Responses

  1. Two smoothies a day sounds great for the summer! I can do that easily with my schedule. I only need to lose 10 lbs.

  2. This quiz was very helpful. I’ve been following you for many years and this quiz helped me see which plan I should go to next. I’m going to try the Radical Metabolism.

    1. Trudy, So glad that this quiz was helpful in chosing your next step. Radical Metabolism offers many delicious options and the focus on bitters is great for your liver.

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