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Detox 12 Pounds in 3 Days

Lose weight, feel great, and cleanse the New Fat Flush way.

Woman’s World couldn’t have said it better.

Pick up your copy of the January 16th Woman’s World magazine at checkout counters at your local supermarket. In it, you’ll get a “taste” for the New Fat Flush’s Three-Day Tune UP that is sweeping the nation. We have over 600 dedicated Flushers doing our 14 Day Fat Flush Challenge as we speak. Many are kicking off their weight loss journey with this simple three-day liquid plan.

Filled with metabolism-boosting protein, fired up spices, friendly skinny fats, fiber and fluid, the Three-Day Ultra Fat Flush Tune-Up has a devoted following already. When you get your copy of Woman’s World, you will see Casey’s picture. Casey, our 31-year-old fan, is a project coordinator in Nashville, Tennessee and lost quickly. But even if you are a notoriously slow loser, you can’t fail with this program—even if it is just inches that melt first.

Here’s what Sandra had to say:

“I decided to do Ann Louise’s Three-Day Ultra Fat Flush Tune-Up the day before my birthday—even cancelling my husband’s already made plans for a special birthday dinner at our favorite restaurant. I recognized that I was at a plateau with my weight, though not overweight. Like most women, losing a few quick pounds always makes me feel better. The results were so positive that I would highly recommend this protocol to every woman looking to break her complacency. This was a great reboot not only to my metabolism, but also revitalized my creativity and joie d’vivre. It was easy to do, with exceptionally healthy products, and I never felt hungry. Moreover, as my husband says, I look fabulous!

Just so you know… five pounds may not seem like a lot to a younger gal, but for me it is a big deal. I am a notoriously slow loser, and these were stubborn pounds! So, this was hugely motivating for me. I have obviously lost a lot of inches because my clothes are so loose! YEAH!”

Would you like to join Sandra and Casey and discover your most vital, healthy self this 2017? Pick up your copy of The New Fat Flush Plan—available now in hardcover and for Kindle at a savings of 43% off the cover price!

27 Responses

  1. Hey I bought the “Fat Flush Plan” book in December. I was wondering if this replaces the older version 2 week plan? Also in the book Phase 1 is two weeks but it is not all liquid like the old plan. Another thing on page 78 of the new book (which I love) the 3 day Tune-up has as a mid-morning snack the “Fat Flush Smoothie” is that the same as the skinny smoothie or the “Fat Flush Metabolizer Cocktail”? There doesn’t seem to be a recipe for anything called the “Fat Flush Smoothie”?????

    1. Hi, Val –

      While you can certainly still follow the old version of the book, the New Fat Flush Plan includes the latest cutting-edge research and many exciting new options and additions. The recipe for the Fat Flush Smoothie can be found on page 188. Unfortunately, this was an error that slipped through the cracks during editing, as the recipe was supposed to appear on page 188 AND in the Three-Day Tune-Up chapter. We apologize for the confusion!

      1. Thank you for page 188 the recipe for the Fat Flush Smoothie. I love the book it makes total sense. I have started the three day tune up using the two shakes on pages 78-79 (also 188)and feeling lighter and I have more energy just after one day. I highly recommend Dr. Gittleman’s “Fat Flush Plan” especially if you have hit a weight loss plateau or you don’t have a gall bladder. My husband even thinks the book makes sense he is going to join me in a couple of days for phase 1. Unfortunately I missed the challenge maybe you will have another one in the future???

        1. Val, you can still jump on and join the challenge. It just started Monday. There will be a follow up challenge coming along soon.

  2. Doing day 2 on the 3 day plan!! Feeling fine and glad to be part of the 14 day challenge. I love that I can read the posts other fat flushers post as well as the tips and encouraging words !! The only way you’ll find out if it is for you is if you dive in and try it !!

    1. Without a gallbladder digesting fat of any kind can be a problem. Bile Builder is especially good for helping to digest fat, including flax seed oil.

  3. I just finished the 3 day fat flush tuneup and now on day 2 of phase 1, however I stink. Never had a bo problem previously. I assume this means toxins are leaving my body?

  4. Hi. I have a few questions. I hope you can help me. I had testing and I am gluten, gliadin, sugar, dairy, eggs, beans and potatoes sensitive. I have fatty liver, low thyroid and was just diagnosed with diabetes of which I am on metformin. Will your plan work for me? I want to eat properlyour and great things under control. I was just going to get your new fat flush plan and now I am very confused what to do. Thank you for reading this.

    1. Tammy, people with all of the issues you have mentioned have done very well on the Fat Flush Plan. The plan excludes most of the foods to which you are sensitive. You don’t need to eat eggs on the plan either. Many times people have seen their conditions improve as they do the plan. Definitely get the New Fat Flush Plan. You will also benefit from the supplements in the Fat Flush Kit and from taking Bile Builder.

    1. Arlene, you can get a copy of the New Fat Flush Plan. This is the 3 day Fat Flush Tune Up on pg 78

  5. Hey! I’m starting this tomorrow (I have the book) … but can’t find any info about whether you can exercise during these 3 days. Help?

    1. Dena, it’s best to do some gentle stretching, a few minutes of rebounding or go for an easy 20-30 min. walk.

  6. Well here it is end of March, and I didn’t start the 3 day cleanse til yesterday, even though I bought ingredients months ago. My problem was that I was too cold these last months to commit to three days of cold smoothies. Even when I try to warm up with a cup of tea, it’s cold before I can drink half of it. I don’t use a microwave, and recently bought a thermos to keep it warm, and I just make a pot full. But the thing I wanted to pass along was that I finally started yesterday by turning the fatflush metabolizer into a soup. It’s quite good… I ve been using turmeric in smoothies for years, and I used extra, with a little curry powder and fresh ginger instead of dry. I also used a lot of greens and parsley, so the color was rusty brownish, rather than bright red. I also used some of the lecithin in the mix to emulsify and thicken. Just dont heat the flaxseed oil! Drizzle it over the soup, and even sprinkle raw sunflower seeds. This was really satisfying on a chilly evening and tasted even better for breakfast this morning. Try it if you really need a hot meal, but don’t want to fall off your plan!

  7. Pingback: Detox 4 Days
  8. I’m on day 2 of the 72 hour detox and don’t feel very well. Very sluggish, foggy and constant headache. I assume it’s the toxins being moved around before (hopefully) leaving my body. Has anyone else experienced this? I need words of encouragement if you have or I’m afraid I won’t make day 3:(

    1. Cris, yes what you are experiencing are detox symptoms. It is not uncommon to experience some of these symptoms while doing the cleanse.

  9. Hi! I’m just starting the 72 hour detox today. Bought all the ingredients and am having the cocktail and it’s really hard for me to drink it. Could I just eat it as a salad? And drink the water separately? I can’t imagine drinking this three times a day for three days! Thanks!

  10. I purchased the audio book so I can’t “see” the recipes and plans. Is there a way to download these?
    Thank you,

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