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Perimenopause Quiz

Are you in the change before the change?

What is happening to my body?

Could I be in perimenopause?

Could I be in perimenopause… already?

These are questions that almost every woman asks herself at some point in her life. If you think you’re too young for perimenopause, think again. Due to modern-day environmental factors, women as young as late 20s/early 30s are entering the change before the change.

Perimenopause should not be thought of as a disease or treated like one. It’s a naturally occurring transition. You can alleviate its symptoms in various ways, depending on how far along in the transition you are presently.

If you’ve found yourself asking these questions, take the following quiz to clear up your current status.

Perimenopause Quiz

Place the appropriate number in the Score column according to the intensity or frequency of your symptoms.

• Symptom is mild or occasional: 1
• Symptom is moderate or frequent: 2
• Symptom is severe: 3

After answering all ten questions, add up your total score.

1. Do you feel depressed or have the “blues” for no apparent reason? _________
2. Do you experience restlessness, irritability, and/or anxiety? _________
3. Have your sleep patterns changed, with frequent awakenings or insomnia? _________
4. Does your heart sometimes pound while you are resting or sitting? _________
5. Do you have food cravings? _________
6. Do you have bloating or fluid retention? _________
7. Do you need to urinate more frequently? _________
8. Has your sex drive diminished? _________
9. Do you often have headaches or migraines? _________
10. Are you starting to put on weight around the middle? _________

Total Score: _________

If your total score is between 10 and 18: Don’t worry, you’re not going crazy. You’re probably just beginning the perimenopause transition. A hormone-regulating diet, supplements, regular moderate exercise, and better management of stress may be all you need to alleviate your symptoms.

If your total score is between 18 and 28: Diet, exercise, and stress management may or may not be enough to alleviate your symptoms. Additional nutrients and natural progesterone cream should make all the difference.

If your total score is above 28: You’re fully in perimenopause. The remedies mentioned for the lower scores may be sufficient. If they’re not, consider taking natural hormones. But first have a saliva test to determine your hormone levels.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve settled on your score, it’s time to take the next steps. The full update of my New York Times Bestseller, Before the Change is truly every woman’s best friend. Whether you’re 18, 80, or anywhere in between this is a must read for hormonal peace and harmony. Place your order today to receive three FREE bonus gifts instantly. They include:

• Before the Change Companion Workbook
• Report: 3 Steps to Hormone Happiness
• 20% Discount on Natural Progesterone Crème

Share this quiz with the women of all ages in your life—and take control of your perimenopause together.

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