Gallbladder Support Is Vital to Overall Health

June 21, 2016
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Award-winning nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author.

Beat mysterious fatigue, nausea, constipation, and hypothyroidism.

Traditional Chinese Medicine had it right: your gallbladder is golden! Oriental physicians and acupuncturists have known for decades what we are now discovering. Restorative care for the gallbladder will address unresolved aches, pains, and conditions that no other treatment has touched. So if you are experiencing the following, you may want to take advantage of a simple solution ASAP—that I will mention in a moment.

But for now, here are just a few of the possible gallbladder related symptoms nobody is talking about in Western Medicine circles (even your integrative, functional medicine doc):

• Nausea
• Low thyroid
• Insomnia
• Pale stools (clay colored)
• Sciatica-like pain
• Bloating
• Heartburn
• Ringing sounds in the ears
• Migraines
• Sluggish digestion
• Haywire hormones

Toning up your gallbladder by building up the production of quality bile should be #1 on everybody’s health list. Bile is the vital liquid your liver produces which aids in fat digestion and the transport of toxins out of the system. It can become congested, thickened, and full of stones, crystals and sludge, primarily due to a lack of proper nutrient support.

And if you have already had your gallbladder removed, the intake of fats is no longer matched with bile production because the storage tank which releases the bile has been removed. So, those without a gallbladder are in absolute need of support for bile production or else they face deficiencies of the fat soluble vitamins so key for immunity, hormonal health, anti-aging, and heart health down the line. I’m talking Vitamins A, E, D, K and essential fatty acids here.

Build Better Bile

With nearly a half a million gallbladders removed each year and many more individuals with gallbladder sludge that need help now, it’s time to try Bile Builder. This breakthrough product contains all of the nutrients for bile support that enables it to operate optimally for the most complete digestive activity and elimination (bile is a much overlooked regulator). Constipation, bloating, nausea, and a bitter taste become ancient history as does hypothyroidism—which interestingly has a propensity to develop with gallbladder removal. Bile appears to kickstart an increase in T4 to T3 conversion, which is a very good thing as T3 is the hormonal switch to turn on fat burning and a faster metabolism.

Here are just a few of our jaw dropping testimonials:

“I had my gallbladder removed more than 10 years ago and each year felt more and more fatigued. I also had low thyroid hormone levels. I used to have more stamina and energy. I have been taking Bile Builder for almost 3 weeks and can actually feel the difference. I am no longer experiencing digestive discomfort, I have better mental clarity and definitely more energy. I wish I had found this product years ago.”
—Mindy B.

“Bile Builder is helping me keep my gallbladder!!! I was told it needed to come out… Eight weeks later and I’ve had no more pain and still have my gallbladder. I feel great and am now at a point where I’m trying to add more things back into my diet. Still no problems!! I’m a fan!!”
—Theresa W.

“I have had difficulty losing any weight after a hysterectomy and having my gallbladder removed. I saw a story in a magazine that mentioned Bile Builder. I was so excited that someone mentioned having no gallbladder had a relationship to not being able to lose weight. I have been taking them now for 3 weeks and have lost 6 lbs. Thank you so much. What a blessing!!!”

“I purchased this for my wife. She had her gallbladder removed about two years ago. She has had a lot of abdominal pain since the surgery. In a matter of days of using Bile Builder she has had no more pain, and it has helped with her irregularity.”

So, if sluggish bile is slowing down your weight loss, digestion, and sleep, don’t think twice about trying out Bile Builder with its bile cleansing and toning lineup of ingredients that include pancreatic lipase, beet root, taurine, choline, ox bile, and collinsonia root.

I also recommend reading my book Eat Fat, Lose Weight, which is available for Kindle. You’ll learn even more about beautiful bile as well as how to fully embrace and incorporate healthy, delicious fats into your daily life (and reap all the detoxing, hormone balancing, beautifying benefits)!

You deserve vitality, wellbeing, and energy today and every day. Won’t you call or visit UNI KEY now to order your Bile Builder?

Related Articles and Podcasts

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty books including The Fat Flush Plan series and her latest book, Radical Metabolism. She’s been rewriting the rules of nutrition for more than 40 years and is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of diet, detox and women’s health issues. 

For a FREE daily dose of tips and strategies for maintaining healthy weight, conquering insomnia, and much more…check out my Radical Health Tips.

I’d like to meet and greet you on my Facebook groups, so won’t you check us out at the Radical Metabolism RevolutionFat Flush Nation, or my Inner Circle!


  1. sao

    I think it is great to take supplements to take care of the bile but it would be nice if you would also mention what foods or eating patterns are helpful also. So a person could know what foods help with bile.

  2. Colleen Foster

    Ann Louise I am in South Africa and cannot get the bile builder, but need it urgently. I am dealing with a totally dysfunctional bowel and a huge parasitic infection and virus etc. Is there anything I could buy to try and build bile instead of the product you recommend. Thanks so much. Colleen

    • Ann Louise

      Hi Colleen: Sometimes parasites like to hide in the bile ducts so make sure you are taking anti-giardia botanicals first and foremost. That being said, your next best bet is to look into Eat Fat, Lose Weight and in the interim, follow some of the suggestions for Sao. Good luck!!

  3. Ann Louise

    Hi Sao: All of the food tips and tricks I have researched appear in Eat Fat, Lose Weight. You will learn how “bitter is better” to assist in bile building and thinning; how lecithin and beets decongest bile; how eggs clog up your gallbladder; and how lemon and water is bile’s best friend. The book tells lots more.

    • Carol

      Ann Louise: Thanks for talking about the “elephant in the room” most docs don’t talk about- it’s refreshing! I have a question: you just said that eggs clog up the gallbladder, yet I’ve read that one of the richest sources of the bile-decongesting lecithin IS eggs. What lecithin source do you recommend since the vast majority of U.S. soy is GMO?

      • Brad

        Carol..good question about eggs/lecithin. I hope Ann Louise answers it eventually…

        • Team ALG

          It’s true eggs are a rich source of lecithin but the eggs can also be an irritant to the gall bladder because of the high cholesterol in the egg yolk.

  4. Debbie Litzenberger

    I had my gallbladder removed 26 years ago. Would you recommend taking a good multivitamin, in addition to bile builder and a good fish oil like nordic naturals? I have a lot of joint pain, thinning hair, dry skin, hardly ever hungry and hard to lose weight. Thank you.

    • Team ALG

      Yes, the UNI KEY Female Multi is a wonderful full spectrum multivitamin that Ann Louise has formulated. I suggest that you download Eat Fat Lose Weight and learn about all the healthy fats that Ann Louise recommends for healthy gall bladder function.

  5. Ann Louise

    Hi Debbie: I definitely think a good multi (my fave is Female Multi by the way) would be very helpful and fish oil. Bile Builder will help to break down all fats so you can reap the benefits of their fat soluble vitamins – a deficiency of which may be contributing to your issues. Good luck!!

  6. Lori

    I am confused if this product, Bile Builder is only for people who have had their gal bladders removed or not…?

    • Ann Louise Gittleman

      Hi Lori: Bile Builder is for EVERYONE with the issues mentioned above but especially crucial for those without a gallbladder. Many individuals have congested and thickened bile due to diet and a lack of the right bile supporting nutrients. Eat Fat, Lose Weight provides more info on this for you. I use it daily which is ensuring the most regular elimination and dewy skin.

  7. Pam

    I would like to start taking this, still have my gall bladder, but told I have gall stones. I tried the 8 day apple juice cleanse followed by the on the last day, olive oil and lemon juice alternately (supposed to be for 4 hours). Aside from all the details, I could not get down the olive oil (the last step in purging out the stones.). Is there a limited time one should take this supplement?

    • Ann Louise Gittleman

      Bile Builder can be taken at any time and will be especially helpful if you have gallstones.

  8. Liz

    So does Bile Builder specifically clean out the sludge and dissolve gall stones and crystals?

    • Team ALG

      Yes the ingredients in Bile Builder do that. It also helps you digest fats.

  9. Sophie

    Thank you so much for this helpful blog. I can surely relate to problems with nausea, slow bowel, painful bloating, sluggish digestion, severe headaches, insomnia, bitter off taste, other.
    My weight tends to be under versus over — could bile problems also lead to underweight problems?
    Already take HCL , digestive enzymes and various liver support including Liver Lovin Support. Would adding in Bile Builder be advised given all my symptoms? Should I continue to use Liver Lovin Support if I begin to use Bile Builder? Thank you very much.

    • Ann Louise Gittleman

      Hi Sophie – You can cut down on Liver-Lovin to one capsule per day since you will be doubling up on taurine with the Bile Builder. It sounds like you definitely may benefit from Bile Builder given your symptoms, I would give it a try!

      • Sophie

        Dear Ann Louise,
        Thank you so much for the reply and guidance. I will certainly go forward and add BILE BUILDER to my regimen and, as you advise, will reduce my LIVER LOVIN to one capsule a day. Thank you again!

  10. wendell

    What is the difference in this and ox bile for people who had their gallbladder removed? Is this compatible with the choline tables you recommend for non-alcoholic fatty liver?

    • Ann Louise Gittleman

      Hi Wendell – This product is a one-stop shop, it contains the ox bile as well as the choline. It’s an all-in-one capsule for both concerns.

  11. Elaine

    I have some of the symptoms you mentioned… thinning, nausea, body/joint pain, ringing in the ears, fatigue and struggle losing weight…. I just thought it was menopause. Is there a problem trying your Bile Builder if I don’t have a problem with my gallbladder? And is it ok taking your multi with the Bile Builder?

    • Ann Louise Gittleman

      Hi Elaine – The Bile Builder is very helpful whether you have had “obvious” gallbladder problems or not. And, you can definitely take your multi along with it.

  12. Amber

    Hi Ann, always love your books and blogs! Do you still recommend the hot lemon water 1st thing in the am to help with bile? Also how about the apple cider vinegar? Is that still part of your recommendations? Thank you!

  13. Leigha

    Just received Bile Builder and felt good after taking it – good sign. Question – can it be taken with digestive enzymes plus Betaine HCL?

  14. Chabe

    I had my gallbladder removed 5 yrs ago and I constantly feel tired. I am taking the fat flush kit now. Should I add the bile builder on top of that?

    • Team ALG

      Yes Chabe please add the Bile Builder to help with digestion of fats which will increase your weight loss.

  15. Eva B Ford

    I began the Coconut Ketogenic Diet, advised by Bruce Fife – now two weeks into it, I have gained over 5 pounds and that weight is definitely showing up on my stomach! Since I had my gall bladder removed over a year ago, would this be the reason for my weight gain? I read now that bile is needed to process fats properly, and I feel so depressed that I have gained weight on what I thought would be a healthy diet. I cannot afford to pay thirty-something dollars every month to buy and use the Bile Builder supplement, being on limited, fixed income. Is there anything else you can recommend to help with this bile issue? Thanks.

    • Team ALG

      If at all possible please start using the Bile Builder. At least switch to a lower fat diet to lose weight, since you are not digesting it. Check out the Fat Flush Plan by Ann Louise Gittleman. You can buy the book and follow the plan with good weight loss results.

      • Eva B Ford

        Thank you for the helpful reply! I have ordered the book, The Fat Flush Plan, and will read more to try and find my answer.

        • Team ALG

          That’s wonderful Eva.

    • Reg

      I’m not familiar with that diet but coconut oil shouldn’t be a problem since it (like butter) are medium chain triglycerides; therefore, they do not need bile for digestion. All other fats will need help being digested.

  16. joel

    What could be the root cause of stabbing like pain in calf muscles?

    • Team ALG

      Joel, please consult your health care provider.

  17. Mischelle Veihdeffer

    Can Uni Key Bile Builder be used by men also or is it just for women. I also plan on taking a daily 400 mg magnesium. Will I be able to take both together and do you have to stay on your bile builder the rest of my life. I am not one who like to take meds for a long period of time. I am also a diabetic and on metformin hcl 500 1 tablet 2 x a day. Can I still be able to take the bile builder. Most important can men take this also and for how long.

  18. Mari

    Female, age 75. Diagnosed with Porcelain Gallbladder, surgery recommended. Does Bile Builder clear out this Gallbladder?

    • Team ALG

      Mari, Bile Builder does thin the bile to prevent build up of gallstones. It helps somewhat to decrease their size but it is more of a preventative. It sounds like your gallbladder is calcified at this point and Bile Builder won’t address this issue. You could still take the Bile Builder to help with fat digestion and producing quality bile at this stage. If you decide to have surgery it will be extremely helpful to take it afterwards.

  19. Sandy

    I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago and 6 months after, I noticed my skin was drying out and I developed an extremely dry, painful mouth. My hair is thinning and I have a lot of joint pain and insomnia. Could the reason my mouth and skin are dry be due to my body not absorbing fats? Would the Bile Builder and maybe fish oil solve these issues? I was just told by my Gynecologist that I have NO hormones and she suspects that’s why I have all these issues. She is wanting to put me on hormone pellets which are $300 for 5-6 months. I don’t have that kind of money. I am a 66 year old female. Thank you for your response.


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