I’m going to a family reunion on Labor Day weekend, and I really want to slim down. It makes me red just imagining my relatives’ reactions to my size. I want to try a detox so I can lose 10 pounds this week, but I have high blood pressure. Is it safe?
Check with your doctor, but in my experience as a nutritionist, I’ve seen detox diets work wonders for high blood pressure. By cleansing a sluggish liver, a detox helps the cardiovascular system, too. When the liver isn’t operating at its peak, blood vessels constrict, so the heart has to work harder to circulate blood. In addition, a sluggish liver can’t break down aldosterone, a hormone that causes the body to retain sodium and, with it, water. The result: Your belly bloats and excess fluid enters the bloodstream, further burdening the heart. That said, a detox is meant to be done only for a short time. For an excellent detox diet, pick up The Fat Flush Plan
10 Responses
Should I take medication for high blood pressure and insulin while taken the detox cleanser?
Romona, there is no reason to not to take blood pressure medication and insulin while doing the New Fat Flush Plan.We have many people tell us they very successful and take these medications. You do want to check with your doctor too.
I am 58 years old and have been taking high blood pressure. Is it safe for me to do detox, because I have been taking this medicine for about 9 years.
Ndaombo, Based on the information you have given here, it is not unsafe for you to detox. You want to do a gentle detox like the one found in the New Fat Flush Plan. https://unikeyhealth.com/pages/search-results-page?q=new+fat+flush+plan
I am doing a 5 day fast with a full body cleanse. Should I still take my hypertension meds daily or will I be ok without it?
Mack, If you are doing the New Fat Flush Plan you could still take your mypertension meds daily. Even while doiong a fast you can continue taking meds. We can’t give medical advice and you should check with your doctor before you stop taking your meds for any reas.
Is it safe to do a kidney detox on blood pressure meds?
There is no reason why it would be a problem, but you do want to check with your doctor.
Should have said “kidney cleanse”
Does Dr.Bo Super Gallbladder Cleanse raise your blood pressure?