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The Phenomenal Weight Loss Hormone

weight loss hormoneWhy Fat Flushers need a personal Salivary Hormone Test.

Hormones can impact weight loss big time.

While we all know something about estrogen, who knew of the fat flushing benefits of the hormone progesterone?

Plain and simple, progesterone helps burn body fat for fuel.

Estrogen, on the other hand, promotes weight gain—from both actual fat and water retention—especially around your tummy, hips, and thighs. A prevalent condition known as estrogen dominance even changes the way in which your body produces serotonin—the feel-good brain chemical. In turn, a lack of serotonin leads to food cravings and weight gain. What a vicious cycle!

Now, here’s where progesterone enters the picture. This special hormone signals the hypothalamus to increase your core body temperature, thereby increasing your resting metabolic rate. Low levels of progesterone trigger your body to burn 15,000 to 20,000 fewer calories per year and increase water weight.

You may not be producing enough progesterone because…

  1. You are deficient in zinc and vitamin B6, nutrient precursors of progesterone.
  2. You are not ovulating regularly, leaving you without a corpus luteum to create progesterone in the first place.
  3. Your body is converting progesterone into cortisol as a result of stress.

Measuring your progesterone levels is simple…

Since progesterone also helps stabilize blood sugar, builds bones, supports the thyroid, and acts as an antidepressant, assessing and tracking your personal progesterone levels is a “must” on a regular basis. Unlike the traditional blood test, the Salivary Hormone Test accurately measures levels of hormones that are fully active, known as bio-available or free hormones. Wrapped in protein so they can be transported through the blood stream, bound hormones are not fully biologically active. Using a blood test to assess hormones gives you and your health practitioner a distorted picture of your biologically active hormone levels.

I personally check my own hormone levels four times a year in sync with the changes in season. What I like about the Salivary Hormone Test from Uni Key Health Systems, is that it can be done at home without a doctor’s prescription. The test assesses up to six hormones (progesterone, estradiol, estriol, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol). Testing for all six may be important if you haven’t tested before, but when it comes to stubborn weight loss the really crucial ones are estradiol and progesterone—which ideally should be in a 1:300 ratio.

After you take the Salivary Hormone Test you will receive a personalized letter with my individualized recommendations.

Here’s what several clients had to say about their experience with the Salivary Hormone Test:

Milissa B. said…

“On the suggestion of the Forum members, I had the Salivary Hormone Testing done. I found out through this test why I had years of irregular cycles, premature babies/miscarriages, and horrible PMS. I also discovered I had adrenal fatigue and I am now able to work on correcting these issues.”

Susie said…

“I did the test because I was having terrible mood swings, and really bad PMS. I learned that my estrogen was too high, and I had hardly any progesterone. With the recommendations from Ann Louise, I have been able to significantly improve. My symptoms are less severe than before, and that is only one month after doing the test!”


Now that spring’s officially here, it’s time to shed some light on your body’s hormone levels, which will help determine if the symptoms you’re experiencing—from weight gain and beyond—are associated with a hormonal imbalance.

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