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Bile: A Whole Body Connection

You simply can’t be healthy without it.

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located just below the larynx—and it plays a profound role in the behind-the-scenes of your health. Ladies should especially take note, as issues with this critical gland impact women eight times more often than men.

The health of your thyroid isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Problems have been linked to obesity, depression, brain fog, digestive disorders, heart disease, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, and even breast cancer.

When you consider all of the possible implications, the importance of taking care of your thyroid needs little explaining. And for those who are struggling to lose weight and keep it off, do note that the thyroid’s role in metabolism is crucial to achieving your goals.

A Whole Body Connection

So, how do you maintain optimum thyroid health? The complex and extensive interaction your thyroid maintains with your entire body makes it sensitive to upsets on many different fronts. It takes vigilance and care on your part to make sure you do not accidentally overload your metabolic crusader.

That’s where bile comes in. If you aren’t aware of—or are not yet convinced—of the significance of bile, then I am certain its role in thyroid function will remove all doubts. According to a study conducted at Tampere University Hospital in Finland, hypothyroidism is seven times more likely in people who experience reduced bile flow.


A study conducted by researchers that included thyroid specialist Dr. Antonio Bianco showed that the release of bile triggered the release of an enzyme that converts T4 to T3. This converstion is the very process that allows metabolism to take place in the body. Astoundingly, people in Bianco’s study who improved their bile health saw a whopping 53 percent increase in their metabolism.

A Bile Boost

To produce the best bile, you need six specific nutrients—choline, taurine, beet root, pancreatic lipase, ox bile, and collinsonia root. I formulated UNI KEY’s Bile Builder to include every member of this superstar six.

Here’s the breakdown:

• Choline: Assists with fat digestion and is the Rx for fatty liver affecting nearly 50% of us.
• Taurine: Helps bile to excrete chemicals detoxed by the liver, promotes increased bile acid production and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and liver.
• Beet Root: Contains betaine which thins the bile and helps to prevent the formation of gallstones. Betaine is also a rich source of hydrochloric acid which is critical for digestion and triggers the release of bile from the gallbladder.
• Pancreatic Lipase: Helps breakdown fats as a digestive enzyme.
• Ox Bile: Provides essential bile salts for those with low bile production or without gallbladders. Bile deficiency is especially common for those over age 60.
• Collinsonia Root: Removes gallstones and prevents constipation which results from bile salt supplementation. This herb used traditionally for centuries for this purpose.

The Next Step

Now that your body’s a ready vessel to efficiently utilize all of those healthy, healing fats, pick up your copy of The NEW Fat Flush Plan. This lifestyle eating protocol provides a daily detox with the world’s most effective fat-burning and healing foods, seasonings and supplements.

Inside, you’ll find:

• NEW Three-Day Ultra Fat Flush Tune-Up for quicker cleansing and results
• NEW Paleo, Ketogenic and Vegan-friendly recipes that reflect the latest diet trends
• NEW gluten-free tips for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance
• NEW Fat Flush bone broth recipe for supercharged cooking, snacks and side dishes
• NEW health revelations linking the gallbladder and liver to thyroid health
• NEW hidden weight gain factors that explain why it’s not your fault you’re fat
• NEW meals, menus, and shopping lists
• NEW tips for managing insulin, hormone, and stress levels
• NEW slimming, smart fats and sweeteners

Bile is simply brilliant for the health of your body. Isn’t it time you felt your very best?

29 Responses

  1. Do you have any advise on getting rid of Xanthelasma under the eyes? My cholesterol tends to be a little higher due to secondary Addison’s disease and formerly low thyroid. The spots are flat teardrop shaped at the moment but still bothersome. I will get them removed along with undereye wrinkles lift and according to my doctor it could work without scarring due to location but I don’t want them to return. I’m almost obsessive now about eating non cholesterol!!

    1. Dear Kim:

      We would suggest optimizing fat digestion with The Bile Builder — as cholesterol is essential to health.

    2. Thyroid medicine lowers cholesterol. Free T4/free T3 needs to be in the upper range…not by TSH. Garlic lowers cholesterol. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN…detoxing may help. Far Infrared Sauna may help detox and unblock thyroid. Lecithin 2000mg may help defat the liver. Fish oil/evening primrose oil 2000mg may help. Zn/Mg/Vit D3/sunlight/Vit C/coenyzmated B vitamins and more may help. Best wishes.

  2. I’m not female,but I do have no tonsils,nor do I have a gallbladder.
    Now what do I need to do to have maximum health?
    I take ASEA.

    1. Dear Raymond.

      You may benefit from the Bile Builder as it is a bile replacement product for anyone who has
      had the gallbladder removed.

  3. I was wondering if there are any substitute Canadian companies that you could recommend for the Bile Builder? The shipping, exchange and duty on this product is a lot to get across the border to Canada. It does look like an excellent product though! Thank you

    1. Dear Marian:

      We bet you can find an ox bile supplement in your local health food store that might help you.

    1. Dear Gaye:

      We think you might want to give Bile Builder a try as it has helped many with no gallbladder and low thyroid. Good luck!!

  4. I had a food sensitivity test done, and showed I have a mild food sensitivity to beet root, would it still be safe for me to take it?
    If not what else can you recommend?

  5. Hello : Perhaps you can find an ox bile extract at a local health food store which contains the same dosage as the bile in Bile Builder.

  6. Thank you so much, AnnLouise, for this eye-opening article! I think your Bile Builder would be just what I need (Hashimoto’s, very slow digestion, diverticulitis, 3-times cancer survivor, one of them colon cancer). At the moment I am taking Betaine, but your Bile Builder contains so more wonderful ingredients. Now I learned that I cannot order from UNI Key, they don’t supply to Germany!So I am very grateful you indicated the whole list of ingredients, and I will try to find something similar, unless you know a company where to buy it?
    In another aspect, I should like to ask you if you know a competent way to give up slowly the intake of Lyrica (Pregabalin)and Oxycodon (Oxycodonhydrochlorid)due to 4 times surgery on my spine (due to botch-up jobs of the surgeons)or to substitute them. I am taking high-dose Turmeric which has helped already a lot! Thanks and warmly, Karin from Germany

  7. Deer Karin:

    We are hopeful that you will find a suitable substitute for Bile Builder in Germany. The addition of bile supporting substances can help your gut and ability to detoxify resulting in a boost to your immune system.

    We might suggest you look into boswellia in addition to the turmeric you are taking. This combo has proven very helpful for many of ALG’s clients.

    Best wishes and good luck!!

  8. Do you have any advice on lowering estrogen levels, after supplementing with estradiol I have seemed to gain weight that I am unable to lose as well as cortisol issues?

    1. Victoria, to be sure that estrogen is being processed through the liver and excreted you want to work on detoxification. Bile Builder and / or Liver Lovin Formula will help you do that. You could also take a Salivary Hormone Test to find out where your levels are and get a letter of recommendations from Ann Louise.

  9. Thank you for this info. It makes a lot of sense now–bile flow with wt loss, euthyroid. I’m 3.5 yr post cholecystectomy and my liver is hot and ‘stopped up’, can’t digest foods, no alcohol, hypothyroid and have been on t3 for 3 months to no avail. I’d like to start your challenge on Jan 8th. Will it be too rigorous for my liver? Please advise.

    1. Diana, The Quickstart will not be too intense for your liver. However you should always check with your doctor if you are in doubt.

  10. Hi I am interested in bile builder, but I have problems with nausea and throw up bile. All kinds of tests have been done and I am still suffering. Something is stopped I believe, any thoughts I would appreciate.

    1. Barbara, I suggest you try taking the Bile Builder. It helps thin the bile and will help you get rid of a sluggish liver and digest your fats.

  11. I have had chromic diarrhea for 4 years/ I have Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholestoral. 2 Years ago I underwent a colon resection. I’m Keto and not able to lose weight. Ive been prescribed Cholestyramine for the diarrhea. I’ve been reading your material and the suggested Bile Builder product.
    Should I be taking this product and the Cholestymine? (It does work on the diarrhea)
    I am fatigued and feel awful. I have been Keto for 6 mos but I am not deriving the benefits of this life style that I read about.

    I’ve ordered the UNIKEY Bile Builder but am now a little concerned about taking both products. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  12. Rita, I’m glad you have received some relief from your chronic diarrhea. It does sequester bile salts, making it harder to digest fats and absorb fat soluble vitamins. Bile Builder will help normalize your bile production and help you digest fat. This can help with diarrhea. I don’t know how effective the Bile Builder will be while you are taking the Cholestymine. Since we can’t give you medical advice, it is up to you to monitor your symptoms and decide what you want to do while you are taking the Bile Builder. You may wish to look at the Fat Flush Plan as a way to lose weight and feel good. It may be a more balanced way of eating for you. https://unikeyhealth.com/products/the-new-fat-flush-plan

  13. Well, I am taking bile builder, the fat flush trio and I added the adrenal and the liver capsules. Are all of these compatible? I tried the greens and had to return it. Could not bear the taste or smell. But is the rest all working together harmoniously? I feel good but the weight isn’t moving. Do you think the metabolic program will help? And with the metabolic program, shall I continue what I’m taking?

  14. Help I have high oxalates. Can I still use the bile builder I purchased. I am concerned about the beet root. Thank you so much

    1. The oxalates in beet root are not well absorbed due to their high ratio of minerals (calcium and magnesium) to oxalate. Beetroot powder contains 165 mg of oxalates in the 60 mg that’s contained in each capsule of Bile Builder.

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