5 Tips on Using Siberian Pine Nut Oil For Weight Loss

September 10, 2018
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS

Award-winning nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author.

If you have digestive issues, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or want to lose weight, then get ready to go nuts for this Radically healthy oil!

If you want to add a variety of health promoting, exciting essential fats and oils like pine nut oil, that help you shed excess pounds and feel energized, I recommend you get Radical! My Radical Metabolism plan is flying off the shelves and the success stories are pouring in from women (and men) who’ve gone from fat and fatigued with a sluggish, over 40 metabolism, to feeling fabulous and watching the weight fall off!

Radical Metabolism is rewriting the rules of nutrition and exposing the big “fat lies,” and people everywhere are losing weight and feeling great because of it! Radical fats like pine nut oil are simply destined to become the most useful staple in everyone’s kitchen.

Don’t be afraid to eat plenty of healthy fats! The more you consume (and digest properly) of these essential Omega 6 fats, the faster you will halt creeping weight gain, restore health to your cells, balance your hormones, and enjoy smooth, supple skin. And the great news is many of these health superstars – like pine nut oil – also have other stellar qualities, including suppressing your appetite, normalizing blood pressure, and soothing your burning digestive issues.

The Healing Power of Pine Nut Oil

One of my greatest metabolic and healing finds is pine nut oil. Not to be confused with pine oil, pine nut oil comes from the edible seeds of many different species of pine trees. Besides being absolutely delicious, Siberian pine nut oil is rich in healthy Omega 6 fats and is revered for a number of healing properties:

1. It’s an outstanding appetite suppressant. Pine nut oil increases satiety hormones so you feel full faster. It reduces hunger up to 60 percent for a full four hours and quells cravings as well. It surpassed the hunger-reducing effects of coconut oil, olive oil, Omega 3 and other Omega 6 fats for post-menopausal overweight women in a Dutch study.

2. Famous for its gut healing effects. Pine nut oil is a traditional Russian remedy for stomach and intestinal problems. It has healing properties that have been found to boost the immune system and alleviate the pain of stomach ulcers, gastritis, GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and other gastrointestinal issues. The recommended dose is 1 teaspoon taken 3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals.

3. Powerful antioxidant. Pine nut oil is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and plant polyphenols that scavenge free radicals and reduce inflammation. These antioxidants soothe your stomach and eliminate the free radicals that can lead to peptic ulcers and gastritis. According to studies, these potent plant chemicals possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-atherogenic and anti-cancer properties.

4. Optimized cholesterol levels.Siberian pine nut oil has been shown in studies to lower LDL cholesterol levels, which are implicated as a cardiovascular disease risk factor. The pinoleic acid found only in pine nut oil lowers blood cholesterol levels by stimulating the liver to uptake greater quantities of LDL to be broken down and eliminated.

5. Lower blood pressure. In this Russian study, pine nut oil was found to lower systolic blood pressure in people with benign hypertension. Not only did their systolic blood pressure decrease, but their cholesterol normalized and they lost excess weight. That’s great news!

Adding Pine Nut Oil to Your Diet

If the task of adding another, exotic-sounding oil to your diet sounds daunting, I assure you it’s not. Nothing beats the delicate nutty flavor of cold-pressed Siberian pine nut oil simply drizzled over a salad of fresh herbs and greens and sprinkled with just a pinch of Real Salt. Pine nut oil has a low smoke point and should not be heated. Instead use it as a finishing oil or highlight its taste profile as a garnish. You can add a tablespoon or two to a batch of pesto, drizzle on top of your favorite dip, or use in your homemade salad dressing.

Cold-pressed Siberian Pine Nut oil may seem pricey at first blush, but I assure you, investing in one bottle is all you need to start seeing results!

Related Articles and Podcasts

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS, is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty books including The Fat Flush Plan series and her latest book, Radical Metabolism. She’s been rewriting the rules of nutrition for more than 40 years and is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field of diet, detox and women’s health issues. 

For a FREE daily dose of tips and strategies for maintaining healthy weight, conquering insomnia, and much more…check out my Radical Health Tips.

I’d like to meet and greet you on my Facebook groups, so won’t you check us out at the Radical Metabolism RevolutionFat Flush Nation, or my Inner Circle!


  1. Lisa

    must it be Siberian Pine nut Oil – will simply Orgainc Pine nut oil do the same thing?

    • Team ALG

      An organic pine nut oil — should be just fine.

      • Kathy

        Is pine nut oil readily available?

      • Marijke

        Beware of cheap Chinese pine nuts/oil I say!
        Just ordered RM, it will be at least another week to get….. fro US to Oman ……
        Anyway first to Italy …. and then I start proper! Sort of cannot wait. ALG , you are so wise!

  2. Ann Louise Gittleman

    Pine nut oil is readily available on line. Soon – with Radical Metabolism – it should be in stores nation wide.

    • S.J.Manuel Stephen John S.J.Manuel

      To consume the siberian pine nut oil – will taking it with orange juice counteract it biological properties?

      • Team ALG

        The oil won’t mix with the orange juice but it will wash it away faster than if you didn’t take them together, lessening the therapeutic effect.

  3. Miriam

    How about whole pine nuts to eat? As good or better?

    • Team ALG

      Miriam, You can eat 2 Tbs of pine nuts to get 1 Tbs. of oil but the nuts are digested more slowly than the oil. The oil will be more healing to the intestinal tract.

  4. Amber

    I was wondering if you have supplemental options for vegans or W.F P.B. people.

    • Team ALG

      Amber — can you clarify your question for us. Practically all the supplements in RM have options for vegans….Thanks.

  5. Cheryl P.

    Pine nut oil has really helped heal my husband’s esophagus issues. I am very happy about the appetite suppressing benefits as well.


    Hi..I ordered the new Radical Metabolism book and find it very informative…however I didn’t receive the free gifts mentioned

    • Team ALG


      So glad you are enjoying the information in Radical Metabolism. To get the free gifts go to radicalmetabolism.com and put your information in at the bottom of the page.

  7. Darlene Schueler

    You make note of contraindications by using grapefruit when making the AM rise and shine juice. Why not with the Siberian pine nut oil? Also the issue of potential allergic reaction if a person has peanut and tree nut allergies? I’m allergic to most trees including pines so I don’t think I will even try this. I am needing to do so much more research before I can even try this plan.

    • Team ALG


      If you have tree nut allergies then you just need to use other oils like the hemp. Unless you know you have other specific allergies that should make it possible to do the plan.

  8. Melanie

    How does one know if a particular is processed without excessive and harmful processing? If it says organic and cold processed is that good enough?

    • Team ALG

      Melanie, yes organic and cold processed is good enough. Cold processed means it is pressed without chemicals.

  9. Kathy

    I am only 5 ft 0 inch and therefore I can’t eat many calories. If I take the 3 tablespoons a day that’s 360 calories of fat. About a third of my already tight calorie limit. Will I gain weight if I add all these fat calories on top of eating my usual calorie count per day? How long does it take before you get the appetite suppression. So far nothing. But it’s only been 2 Days and my weight went up already. I have Siberian pine nut oil cold pressed.

    • Team ALG

      Kathy, you normally would notice an appetite suppressing effect within an hour of taking it. Siberian pine nut oil is meant to be used with the Radical Metabolism 21 day Reboot. It is the combination of foods that will give you weight loss.

  10. Vanessa Jane

    Is there any other Pine Nut Oil recommended rather than buying Russian/Siberian?

    • Team ALG

      Any organic pine nut oil will work.

  11. Corey

    Can you put the oil in morning smoothies, like in place of coconut oil in the Skinny Smoothie?

  12. Team ALG

    Yes you can use it in your morning smoothies, including using it in place of coconut oil in the Skinny Smoothie.



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