High fat diets (think Paleo or Keto) are all the rage, but if you’re missing your gallbladder, those weight loss programs can especially be a recipe for disaster. And that’s not the only issue—if the gallbladder you still have is sluggish, full of gallstones or otherwise congested, you’re also at risk.
Like most people, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about your gallbladder or how it relates to your metabolic health. We go along in our busy lives blissfully unaware of the hard work this organ is doing on our behalf . . . all day, every day. Many experts talk about the importance of the liver, and write volumes about toxicity, without giving the gallbladder—or bile—so much as a passing nod. And interestingly enough, if your thyroid is slowing down, then—amazingly—your gallbladder may be the culprit here, too.
In this blog, I’ve compiled my best content on this topic that connects the dots between the gallbladder and liver, bile, metabolism, weight gain, and hormone dysfunction.
You’ll learn the radical importance of your gallbladder, no matter what you’ve been told. Plus, I’ll teach you how to know if your bile is toxic and congested, and the best fixes for building healthy bile, even if you no longer have a gallbladder! Let’s get started…
Restore Your Gallbladder (Even If You Don't Have One!)
Download this free 38-page guidebook to learn the most effective – all natural – strategies to restore and rejuvenate your gallbladder to shed excess pounds and inches and improve your overall health.
If you’ve had your gallbladder removed, this guide can shed some light on the areas where your body needs additional support to maintain adequate bile flow and digest and absorb healthy fats effectively!
Why A Missing Gallbladder Matters
You can eat all the healthy fats in the world, but if your body can’t process them, you won’t reap any of the benefits. I explain in this short video clip:
“Build Better Bile with 6 Key Nutrients!”
The truth is, you may be able to live without your gallbladder but you can’t be healthy without quality, free-flowing bile. This thick, greenish-yellow fluid plays a critical role in your body’s functions, including maintaining a healthy cholesterol balance, breaking down dietary fats into usable fatty acids, and helping your body break down dietary cholesterol.
To produce the best bile, you need six specific nutrients. These are choline, taurine, beet root, pancreatic lipase, ox bile, and collinsonia root, which are all found in Bile Builder!
These carefully-selected ingredients work synergistically to help your body produce, thin out and move bile efficiently for optimum gallbladder and liver support.
Radical Metabolism
My radical weight loss plan designed to blast fat and restore your gallbladder!
One Response
Will this product help if your gallbladder has been removed ??? I had surgery last December 2022. If this product is good for people who no longer have a gallbladder, how would this product help? Please explain.