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Is My Supplement A Fake?

I’ve been taking fish oil for years because I want to get the health benefits—I’m all for improved memory, faster weight loss and reduced joint pain! But when I popped a pill in front of my friend the other day, she said a new study found that may of these supplements are fakes. Is she right?

Unfortunately, yes, she’s correct—an analysis from Consumerlab.com (an independent tester of health and nutrition products) revealed that 31 percent of the omega-3 supplements tested were rancid or contained a lower amount of omega-3s than the label indicated. But that doesn’t mean you should stop taking these healthy fats—you just need to choose your brand with care.

The key is to look for products that assert they are free of environmental contaminants (such as PCBs, dioxin and heavy metals) and have undergone third-party quality testing.

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