Attention all pregnant women, cell phone and wireless addicts, and people with smart meters.
No doubt you have read about the latest research which finds that cell phones and other wireless technology can place a pregnant woman’s baby at risk. A well publicized study in the journal Epidemiology shows that cell phone use, which emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation, during pregnancy can lead to major behavior and learning problems in their children after birth. And the risks aren’t just for children.
The problem is that both wired and wireless radio waves are everywhere today—affecting us all. If you go outdoors, you are bombarded with this silent environmental pollutant from cell phones, cell phone antennas, and broadcast towers. Indoors you’ve got your cordless phones with their base units, microwave ovens, security systems, faxes, baby monitors, smoke alarms, televisions, electronic games, dimmer switches, and computers—wired and wireless with their routers.
From coffee shops to the office, a neighbor’s router, libraries, and schools, we’re mostly exposed to WiFi that operates in the microwave band of radio frequency radiation. One form of non-ionizing radiation, radiofrequency (RF) fields are high frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by wireless technology—broadcast and cell towers, as well as cell and cordless phones.
“Sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation is the merging health problem of the 21st century. It is imperative that health practitioners, governments, schools, and parents learn more about it. The human health stakes are significant.” says William Rea, MD, founder and director of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, TX.
Let’s Get Real
So, here’s the deal. There’s no going back, really. There are so many electrical and digital devices we can’t live without. But, there is a way to figure out what may be zapping you to reduce the highest risks:
Do an EMF audit of your home and/or work environment.
You’ll first need to locate the source of emissions. For this, I would highly recommend a RF Power Meter, which can pick up a wide range of radio frequency waves in your own home, at the office, and out in the community. It’s relatively inexpensive and will last a life-time. It may also give you back your life. All you have to do is to point this easy-to-use “detective” toward suspicious digital devices and electronics. It measures both continuous wave signals (like microwave and AM/FM emissions) and pulsed signals (DECT, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, etc.)
When I used it in my own home, I found that my brand new DECT phone (6 GHz) was off the charts on the meter. After replacing it with a corded phone (rather retro, really) I felt calmer and much more focused with a clarity of thinking that I had not experienced since purchasing my DECT cordless.
Seriously, it’s one gift no one will expect to find under the tree on Christmas morning! It’s the perfect gift for that someone who has everything—including many of the unresolved symptoms above.
Without detection equipment like this, I could have never discovered the sources of RF and other unwanted radiation in my home—like the wireless router I thought was disabled. And now, I can concentrate and be at the top of my game for interviews and articles I do on a daily basis from my home office where my DECT phone and router used to live.
Low-priced and technologically advanced, the RF Power Meter is easy to use—with just one on-off button and a color-coded LED screen that displays red, yellow, and green to help you determine where the greatest exposure is. When you can distance yourself from the exposure or replace the highest emitting device or equipment, you will be reaping lasting dividends in good health for 2011 and beyond.
By the way, if you’ve recently had a smart meter installed by the utility company to “meter out” electric and water usage, be aware that these meters use RF to send back info about your utility use and relays information every few minutes. You may be very surprised at the high readings your RF Power Meter will register near it. The radio frequency emitted from the smart meter have made many people throughout the country very ill (headaches, heart palpitations, and nausea) and many are opting out of this new health threat.
Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution,+%22Microwave+and+Radiofrequency+Radiation+Exposure%22&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
2 Responses
Time and time again…I wish this site was set up so that one could e-mail it to a friend. It only makes sense and would increase your subscribers. I know I would appreciate
that feature very much….thank you.
Hi, you did not mention the meter, cost, where to purchase. Please say these details.